Requesting Access to Tiles

Tiles are granted based on security roles ( see the list of tiles and roles ). For many tiles this happens automatically based on your employment status. For others, the security role must be requested.

You CANNOT request an individual tile. Rather, you must request the relevant security role, and will receive all related tiles.


Separation of Duties

Before requesting security roles, make sure to review the Guidelines for Separation of Duties-HR/Payroll (SAP) Roles.

General Instructions

Visit the Access Management Services to request most of these roles. Follow these step-by-step directions:

  1. Find the access type noted below and choose the associated "Request" button
    For this role Use form
    Ad hoc Approver for workflow EBS - HR Payroll Approver Adhoc
    Annual Academic Raise EBS - Unit HR Roles
    HR Unit SS Form Initiator EBS - Unit HR Roles
    HR Unit TOC Form Initiator EBS - Unit HR Roles
    Labor Distribution Report EBS - Unit HR Roles
    Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Default Form
    Unit Administrator EBS - Unit HR Roles
    Unit Reporting Administrator EBS - Unit HR Roles
    Unit Time Administrator EBS - Unit HR Roles
    Unit Time Entry Specialist EBS - Unit HR Roles
    All other HR roles not listed above Default Form
  2. Under Select Users, use the "User Search" field to find the employee who will receive the role. Select their name from the dropdown below the search field. The following fields will be filled automatically:
    1. MSU Username
    2. Name
    3. Organization Name
  3. Then click the "Add User" button (the name will be added below). Additional users can be added by repeating step #2.
  4. Under the "Action" column, choose to "Add" (or "Remove")
  5. Additional Information may be required (see the table below under "Specific Instructions" )
  6. Enter any explanatory notes
  7. Press the "Check Form" button
  8. Select the "Submit Access Request" button

Once approved by your unit and MSU IT Services, the access will be granted; this will take several business days, and up to 2 weeks during busy periods. The related tiles will appear the following day.

Specific Instructions

Some security roles require additional information, or an additional action to be fully functional.

Role Detail Required for Access Request form
HR Unit Time Administrator 8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU 2-digit code managed by employee
HR Time Entry Specialist 8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU 2-digit code managed by employee
HR Unit Administrator

Types of employees being managed (Support Staff, Faculty, Students, Graduate Students, Temp/On-Call)

HR Unit Reporting Administrator 8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU(s) to which the person will have access
HR Unit SS Form Initiator 8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU(s) to which the person will have access
HR Unit TOC Form Initiator 8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU(s) to which the person will have access
Annual Academic Raise

8-digit code of the department(s) or MAU(s) to which the person will have access
Note that there are both View-Only or Maintain versions of the related security roles

After you search for and select a department or MAU...

  1. There is a "Role Option" dropdown to choose whether the person will be granted "View" or "Maintain."
  2. Then the selections can be added (" >> " button) to the request.
  3. Continue on with the steps as outlined above in General Instructions
EBS Unit HR Payroll Approver

ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT: The NetID must be entered in Workflow Routing .

EBS - HR Payroll Approver Adhoc Ad hoc approvers have the same security role as EBS Unit HR Payroll Approvers, however, they do not need an entry in the workflow routing table.
Reppointment, Promotion & Tenure 8-digit code of department(s) or MAU(s) will be managed by the employee
  • For Annual Review, the department is the ones that faculty members' positions reports to
  • For Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure forms, the department is the "tenure granting department," for faculty, which may be different than the department the position belongs to

(leave 2-3 weeks processing time so that access can be granted prior to November 1 for the annual cycle)