Unit Administrator

There are five different Unit Administrator roles – one for each of the five different employee types.

  • Unit Administrator - Support Staff
  • Unit Administrator - Faculty/Academic Staff
  • Unit Administrator - Graduate Assistants
  • Unit Administrator - Students
  • Unit Administrator - Temp/On-Call

To have hire forms created for you for Temp/On-Call employees once chosen in the Applicant Tracking System, the  "HR Unit TOC Form Initiator" role is also required

To have hire forms created for you for Support Staff employees once chosen in the Applicant Tracking System, the  "HR Unit SS Form Initiator" role is also required


Possessing these roles does two things:

  • Different links/tiles (listed below) appear based on these roles (see table below).
  • Records for employees can only be modified if you have the relevant security role for that employee type (e.g. the “Unit Administrator Support Staff” role must be granted to modify support staff reporting relationships in “Position Details and Relationships” or initiate a Support Staff Reclassification form).

Requesting Access: Detailed instructions for requesting access are located on the Requesting Access to Tiles page. A person may request just one, any combination, or all of these roles based on their job duties.


Group Tile Support Staff Faculty/ Academic Staff Temporary/ On-Call Student Graduate Assistant
Enterprise Business Systems

Business Intelligence and Analytics. Folders:

  • HR-Payroll Folder / University HR-Payroll Reports / HR Unit Reporting Admin and Manager Self Service Reports
  • HR-Payroll Folder / University HR-Payroll Reports / OMPA - Organizational Management-Personnel Administration
  • HR-Payroll Folder / University HR-Payroll Reports / OMPA - Organizational Management-Personnel Administration / Restricted HR Admin All
  • HR-Payroll Folder / University HR-Payroll Reports / PY - Payroll / Labor Distribution and Payroll Encumbrances
yes yes yes yes yes
My Approvals & Workflow Pay Change & Cost Redistribution yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Academic Position Request no yes no no no
Actions Applicant Tracking System yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Create Org Ref ID yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Display and Update Employee Information yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Edit Business Address yes yes yes yes yes
Actions HR\Payroll Forms & Cost Redistributions (Specific forms or actions within this link show based on security roles) yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Position Details & Relationships yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Post Support Staff Position yes no no no no
Actions Post Temporary or On-Call Position no no yes no no
Actions Work Schedule Change Request yes yes yes yes yes
Actions Work Schedules Catalog yes yes yes yes yes
Reports ACA Time Report yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Business Intelligence and Analytics yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Employee Accounting String Distribution yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Employee Information yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Employee Work Schedule yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Financial System yes yes yes yes yes
Reports HR Forms Workflow Report yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Labor Distribution yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Pay Change & Cost Redistribution yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Pay Changes Initiated by HR yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Position Details & Relationships yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Position Details by Organizational Unit yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Reminder of Dates yes yes yes yes yes
Reports Work Schedules Catalog yes yes yes yes yes

For the Techies:

  • /group/EBS/HR/HR Unit Administrator - Faculty & Academic Staff
  • /group/EBS/HR/HR Unit Administrator - Grad Assist
  • /group/EBS/HR/HR Unit Administrator - Hourly/TOC
  • /group/EBS/HR/HR Unit Administrator - Students
  • /group/EBS/HR/HR Unit Administrator - Support Staff