MSU Human Resources >> Onboarding >> New Spartan Employees

Communication: Once you have an approved start date in the HR-Payroll system, you will receive your NetID which will allow you to access email, university systems, and benefits. You will have several tasks in the onboarding portal once you are hired, about which you’ll receive emails.  We know it can feel overwhelming to start a new position and the following information is designed to support you during the first year. Your supervisor will have additional information and support.

In addition to the above checklist, the below items are important to employment at MSU. 

To provide a safe environment to all members of the MSU community, the university requires criminal background checks as a condition of employment. Once you accept your employment offer, expect to receive an email to initiate the background check process. To avoid a delay in the hiring process, it is important to complete upon receipt of the HireRight applicant invite link.


Some MSU positions require incoming employees to pass a drug screening test prior to the first day of work. If your job posting/description indicates such a requirement, contact your supervisor on where and how to have the test administered. 

To meet federal requirements, new employees are required to complete section one of the I-9 Form on or before the first day of work. Get started on HR's Form I-9 webpage

​​​​​​​NetID is your electronic identification at MSU and it serves as your login to most university computer services. It also determines your MSU email address. Click here to activate your NetID.

​​​​​​​You will be issued a physical Spartan Card which functions as building access, employee ID and can be shown for all kinds of benefits. NetIDs grant you access to employee parking lots, allow you to check out books at the MSU Library and can be loaded with monetary credits redeemable at any MSU dining facility—check out Home | Spartan Cash ( Spartans also can take advantage of some great discounts. Check out Employee Discounts & Services (!

