Temp/On-Call Hire, Rehire and Additional Assignment
Initiate the process by:
- From Select Employee Process, choose Create a New Appointment/Assignment.
- From This Employee will be, choose Temporary or On-Call Staff.
- Click Start Employee Process.
Enter Start Date and Search for Employee
First the system determines the employment status of the person to hire relative to the university. Different actions are taken depending on whether the person to be hired:
- Has never worked for the university. (Has no record in the HR/payroll system.)
- Has worked for the university in the past, but has a break in service.
- Is currently employed by the university.
When you choose Search Employee, the system displays any information currently in the system about the person. It also determines the relevant status and action to take based on that information.
In some cases, such as if an employee is already full time or already has the maximum number of positions allowed, an error may occur. If a red error occurs, do not proceed. Contact MSU Human Resources Solutions Center for assistance.
To search for an employee:
- Enter the Start Date of employment.
- In the SSN/PID box, enter one of the following:
- The person’s Social Security Number, without dashes
- The person’s ZPID or APID, if known
- Click the Search button. The system displays search results and the appropriate action.
Specify the Assignment Type and Organizational Unit
To enter the assignment type and organizational unit
- Use drop down menu to choose Temporary or On-Call for assignment type.
- Enter or look up the organizational unit.
- Click the Continue button.
Select the Hiring Process
Dependent upon the assignment type, the drop down will give options to choose the following hiring processes:
- 3 days or less (Job number will need to be provided and answer the off-campus question)
- MSU HR Exception (Job number will need to be provided, answer the off-campus question and provide reason for exception)
- Out of County (Job number will need to be provided
Once hiring process is chosen, enter or look up the job number.
Traditional temp/on-call jobs such as clerical aide, professional aide, etc., start with the numbers 200028.
Click the Continue button.
Then click the action button at the top of the screen (Hire, Rehire, or Additional Assignment) and this will lead into the form.
Personal Data and Additional Personal Data
Personal Data and Additional Personal Data are displayed for employees already in HR/Payroll system.
- If this is a re-hire, some fields-such as title, date of birth, and gender-are editable.
- If this is an additional assignment, the Personal Data fields are not editable.
For employees new to the University Personal Details fields are blank.
To enter Personal Details
Complete the Personal Data and Additional Personal Data fields for the employee.
Organizational Details
The position information shown here cannot be edited, other than the Primary Assignment End Date for temporary employees. If any information listed here is incorrect, you must start again from the beginning. The job ID, supervisor & position description may be edited if desired. The work schedule & employment percentage will change automatically based on the job selected.
The Organizational Details (Enterprise Structure) describes the position. It is a combination of the following fields:
- Employee Group: Union, Non-Union, Non-Employee/No Pay.
- Employee Subgroup: A further breakdown of the Employee Group. Examples include Student, Hourly Temp, Executive management AN, No Pay, Academic Year Faculty.
- Personnel Area: MSU-US or MSU-Dubai.
- Personnel Sub-area: A further breakdown of the Personnel Area. Examples include: Service Maintenance, Clerical Technical, Nurses, Faculty/Academic Staff.
This information will auto-populate based on the job number selected at the entry screen.
Specify a Supervisor
While auto-complete is available for entering this information, you may find it more efficient to search for the supervisor by name or create a Personal Value List.
To search for a supervisor
- Click the Search button.
- Supervisors can be filtered by first name, last name, position number, organizational unit ID or position name.
To change the Primary Assignment End Date
Change the Primary Assignment End Date if necessary.
Most on-call positions have a Primary Assignment End Date (PAED) of 12/31/9999. The primary assignment end date for on-call minors defaults to the day before the 18th birthday and is not editable.
For temporary employees, the Primary Assignment End Date defaults to the last possible end date. You may change this date to an earlier end date, but not a later date. The Employment Percent needs to be entered for temporary employees.
Enter a Position Description
The Unit Position Summary (Position Description) describes the duties and responsibilities associated with the position.
To enter a Unit Position Summary (Position Description)
Enter text describing the position in the Unit Position Summary (Position Description) text box.
Enter Planned Working Time
Planned Working Time includes the employee's work schedule and employment percent.
- Select the appropriate Work Schedule Rule from the drop-down list if not pre-populated.
- Change the Employment Percent if necessary.
Contact Information
For new hires and re-hires, contact information fields are blank. For additional assignments, only work contact information appears, and only the Actual Work Location fields are editable.
To enter Contact Information
Complete the employee's contact information.
For Home Address phone numbers and the Emergency Contact Information phone number, enter the area code and the rest of the phone number in the larger box. If the emergency contact information is the same as the home address check Address same as Home Address and the fields will pre-populate.
For Emergency Contact Information, First Name and Last Name are required fields. If the emergency contact does not have a first name, then enter "NA" for the first name and enter a comment indicating that the emergency contact does not have a first name. HR can make the appropriate adjustments when approving the form.
Enter an Administrative Address
The Administrative Address is the location where employee business mail should be received. If the employee is working off-campus you will want to indicate this when creating the position.
To enter an Administrative Address
The Administrative Address is the location where employee business mail should be received. If the employee is working off-campus you will want to indicate this when creating the position.
- Specify the Building, either by entering the building number or looking up and selecting the building by name. When entering the Building, it is not necessary to enter the preceding zeroes.
- If necessary, select Enter to populate address information and see a range of valid room numbers.
- Enter the room number (alpha characters are allowed), and the Telephone Number, if desired.
- If the employee is working off campus, select the check box indicating this and then select the off-campus location. An Administrative Address is still required. If the off-campus and Administrative Address are the same, select the same location in both fields.
The Actual Work Location phone number must be entered in the format +1AAANNNNNNNxEEEEE (+15173533121x534), as follows. This format is required in order for data to be displayed correctly via the portal or through the data warehouse. This format is only required for the Actual Work Location phone number.
This text: | +1 | AAA | NNNNNNN | xEEEEE |
Is: | Always required | The area code | The phone number | The extension, if any |
For example: | +1 | 517 | 3533121 | x534 |
When selecting from a State drop-down list, pressing the first letter of the state (or territory) name cycles to the next state beginning with that letter. For example, pressing M the first time results in Maine, the second time in Maryland, and so on.
Pay and Cost Distribution
At least one pay and cost distribution row must have an end date of 12/31/9999, even if the employee has an end date.
For employees paid an hourly rate
Enter the hourly rate in the box provided.
For employees paid an hourly rate
Enter the hourly rate in the box provided.
For employees paid a lump sum (project pay)
- Check the box indicating the employee will be paid a lump sum. A Lumpsum Amount field appears, and the hourly rate is no longer editable.
- Enter the lump sum amount in the box provided.
Enter New Funding
- Click on the plus sign to add a new line of funding.
- Enter Start Date, End Date and Fund.
- Click OK.
If a WBS Element (sub-account) does not appear in a row after the account number is entered this means that there is more than one option for that account. If no sub-account is entered, WBS element defaults to "No_Sub-Account".
Select Enter after manually typing the account number to default the other required accounting information.
Additional Information
Depending on the answers to Additional Information questions, additional detail may be required.
To enter Additional Information
- Answer each question.
- If prompted, provide any requested additional detail.
Attachments and Notes
Required attachments are listed at the top with a checkbox next to each item required. Important Links at the bottom of the screen provide links to policies and procedures that may apply, and to forms that can be attached and submitted. Reivew this information as needed.
To enter Comments and Attach documents
- Upload the required attachments indicated.
- Enter any comments in the Notes field.
To upload an Attachment
- Select the attachment being uploaded from the Attachment Type drop-down list.
- Click the Plus sign icon to locate and select the attachment.
- Click the Upload button to attach the file.
Repeat this process for each additional attachment.
Acknowledgement Section
Information that requires review by form indicator are listed in this section with a checkbox next to each item that requires acknowledgement. Review and verify this information in order to proceed with form.
Summary Form
At this point you can generate a PDF by clicking the Download PDF button. The PDF version of the form opens in a new window and can be saved or printed.
As the form routes for approvals, approvers are able to view the form as a PDF by clicking the Download PDF button.
Review Form and Confirmation
You are now ready to send the form for approval.
By clicking the Send button, any errors will appear and will need to be corrected in order to send the form. Once complete, click send to route the completed form for approval. Upon successful submission, the HR/Payroll System displays a process reference number.