Additional Payment Form

Initiating an Additional Payment Form

The Additional Payment Form is located under Actions on the HR/Payroll Forms & Cost Redistributions Tile. Click on the Actions tile > choose "Additional Payment Form” from the dropdown > “Start Employee Process."

There are three ways to initiate the form:

  • Individually - used for one or a small number of payments. This is the only option that allows attachments, which are required for certain wage types, and off-cycle payment requests. See list of wage types below marked with an asterik (*) denoting "Attachment Required." 
  • Using Group Entry - use when creating several, similar payments.
  • Using MS Excel Upload Template (the template is available upon opening this option) - Must use the spreadsheet template provided:  Download MS Excel template.

Individual submission available wage types:

  • 1220 - Moving Expense*
  • 1244 - UNIT Award
  • 1245 - UNIVERSITY Award
  • 1261 - Work Perf. Special Events*
  • 1280 - Miscellaneous*
  • 1282 - Misc-Special Agreement*
  • 1283 - Misc-Signing Bonus*
  • 1284 - Retention/External Market*
  • 1285 - Internal Equity*
  • 1286 - Acting/Interim Pay
  • 1330 - Merit
  • 1405 - Special Project Pay*
  • 1490 – Faculty Overload*
  • 1495 – Faculty Overload – UNTF*
  • 1560 - Compensatory Time Off*
  • 1570 - NSCL Interruption Compensation*
  • 1575 – Internet Conn. Allow.
  • 1580 – Cell Phone Allowance
  • 7005 - Tickets (Taxable Fringe)
  • 7010 - Apparel (Taxable Fringe)
  • 7045 - Non-cash Taxable Fringe

Wage types are permissible based on employee type.

F4 (dropdown) lookup is available on each of the funding line data elements.

 Select Individual Entry

 Addtional Pay Individual Submit

When screen opens, fill in the required fields (denoted by red asterisk).

Add'l Pay Required Fields_Indvl

  1. Enter the employee's personnel number. If the employee has more than one assignment in the HR-Payroll System, please be sure to enter the correct assignment number. The lookup button at the end of the field can be used to look up personnel assignments by employee last name and first name.
  2. Enter the Service From and Service To dates.
  3. Enter the wage type that represents the reason for payment. Please note that some wage types only show for certain employee types. For example, wage type 1286-Acting/Interim Pay only shows when selecting an APA employee. Additionally, certain wage types may prompt you with questions pertaining to the pay that will need to be answered accordingly.
  4. Enter the lump-sum amount you would like to pay. Validations will occur on this field requiring a minimum pay or maximum pay if applicable to the wage type choosen. 
  5. Enter the desired date of payment. For monthly employees, you may choose the current pay period and up to two future pay periods. For bi-weekly employees, you may choose the current pay period and up to five future pay periods. If electing to have the employee paid in the next off-cycle payroll, select the next regular pay date and then select the check box in step 7.
  6. Describe the reason for payment.
  7. Select this box if you would like the payment made in the next upcoming off-cycle check.  Please note that the form must make it through workflow and arrive in Payroll's inbox by their off-cycle deadline, which is Tuesdays at noon during off-cycle weeks. If the form does not make it to Payroll by this deadline, Payroll will select the next regular pay cycle as the desired pay date. 
     Indiv Entry Funding
  8. Enter Funding
  9. Enter sub-account related to the funding. If there is no sub-account enter "NO_SUB-ACCOUNT."


  1. Add any ad-hoc approvers that are needed to review/approve the form.
  2. Add any notes about the payment that you would like workflow approvers to read.
  3. If required, complete the Acknowledgement Section verification checkbox. 
  4. Upload any required attachments, as well as any desired general attachments, in the Attachment Section. 
  5. Click "Send" to submit to workflow.  Workflow Popup Message
  6. Click "Homepage" to return to the EBS Portal, click on "Start New Form" to begin a new Individual Additional Payment form, or click "Go to Inbox" to go to the HR/Payroll Inbox.

For additional information regarding required attachments, potential acknowledgements/errors, and other details see Add'l Pay Errors_Attachments.


Group Entry/Excel Upload available wage types:

  • 1244 - UNIT Award
  • 1245 - UNIVERSITY Award
  • 1330 - Merit
  • 1575 - Internet Conn. Allow.
  • 1580 - Cell Phone Allowance
  • 7005 - Tickets (Taxable Fringe)
  • 7010 - Apparel (Taxable Fringe)
  • 7045 - Non-cash Taxable Fringe

Wage types are permissible based on employee type. 

Using Group Entry

Using Group Entry Link

First enter common values such as Amount, Service Dates, Funding Information, and how many forms to initiate.

Group Entry Fields

When next screen opens, fill in any missing data in required fields (denoted by red asterisk).  Add'l Pay Group Details

  1. Click on Check
  2. View Summary
  3. Send (to submit to workflow)
  4. “X” out of current window to return to original entry screen

Using Excel Upload

Upload Spreadsheet Option

  1. Download MS Excel Template
  2. Fill out the template fields with your payment details; save.
  3. Browse to the spreadsheet.
  4. Click “Continue” in the lower right corner of the screen
  5. Your items will appear
  6. Check
  7. View Summary
  8. Send (to submit to workflow)

Upload Steps

NOTE: If any of the formatting of the original template is modified (including adding spaces, columns, etc.) it will not upload correctly. Should this inadvertently happen, download the template again and re-enter the information with no formatting changes.

Rejected Forms

When an Additional Payment Form is rejected by an approver or auto-rejected due to over 14 days at a level in workflow, it will be returned to the initiator’s HR/Payroll inbox.  The initiator will also receive an email informing them the form has been rejected.  Rejected items will have status of REJECTED in their inbox and the initiator can “Withdraw” (to delete) or “Resubmit”. 

To find rejected items, the initiator can type "Rejected" in the search box and only those with that status will remain.

Or the Filter can be used by performing the following steps:

Click on the filter button to see options

 Filter Addl Pay

Select "Action Status"

Status Options

Select "Rejected" and click OK. Only rejected items will appear in the inbox. 

To clear the filter, click on "Filter" and then the "Clear All Filters" icon Clear All Filters

To identify rejected items in the inbox without the filter, look for items without Approval Level and Org. in the left panel.