MSU Human Resources >> Time-off-leave >> Absence-tracker >> Absence Tracker - FAQs

faqs - absencetracker

MSU Human Resources has partnered with AbsenceSoft to launch AbsenceTracker, a digital option for requesting medical based leaves of absences. AbsenceTracker is available in EBS for employees and supervisors to request and track the status of FMLA, Medical, Maternity and Parental leaves of absences.  A Leave of Absence Request tile will be added to EBS, for easy access.

Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions. 

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Information for FMLA at MSU can be found here.  Information for APA/APSA Paid Parental Leave can be found here .

You may need to clear your personalization settings in EBS. Please follow the EBS help page instructions located here

For your own serious health condition, sick leave must be used. Once sick time is exhausted, you may supplement with vacation/personal, or go unpaid.

For the care of a family member, family sick must be used. Once family sick is exhausted, you may supplement with vacation/personal, or go unpaid.

For APA and APSA employees who are entitled to Paid Parental Leave (PPL), PPL must be used, then sick or family sick, whichever applies. Once PPL and sick/family sick is exhausted, you may supplement with vacation/personal, or go unpaid. All time elected will be counted toward the maximum allowed 12 work weeks of FMLA leave.

For continuous time off for your own serious health condition, short term disability (STD) must be used. Once STD is exhausted, you may use vacation (annual year appointed employees only) or go unpaid.

For care of a family member, you may use vacation (annual year appointed employees only) or go unpaid. All time elected will be counted toward the maximum allowed 12 work weeks of FMLA leave.

Yes. You may apply for FMLA to care for a spouse, parent or dependent child who has a serious health condition.

Yes, but please contact your Leave Advisor.  The request will need to be in writing.

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA), Medical, Maternity, Parental, and any state specific leave options that exist.

Parental leave is for bonding with the child. The non-birth parent will need to elect the parental leave option for time off for the birth. The birth parent will select pregnancy/maternity only.

The Leave Advisor will provide a response within 1 to 3 business days.

You will receive written notice from the Leave Advisor.  Your status will also be available in AbsenceTracker by clicking the Leave of Absence Request file in EBS. 

Leave Advisor, Supervisor, and Unit HR. 

Yes, the fax number is 517-432-4102, which will attach to your request in the system. The HR Leaves team can be reached at

