There are two of ways to undo any changes personalization made to the landing page in the EBS Portal.

Option #1: Reset the Group

Each standard "group" has a "Reset" option that will return it to its original state, including all changes made to links/tiles in the group. 

Any new group create by personalization has a "Delete" button. For standard groups:

  1. Open the options menu by clicking the person icon.
  2. Choose “Edit Home Page.”
  3. Find the group to change back, and click the "Reset" option in the upper right corner of the group. If the group was created through personalization, then the option will be to "Delete" the group.
  4. Exit the edit mode by choosing “Exit Edit Mode" in the options menu.

Option #2: Make the Opposite Change

Any items that were added, deleted, or moved previously can be undone by doing the opposite.

  1. Open the options menu by clicking the person icon.
  2. Choose "Edit Home Page"
  3. Navigate to the group of tile to which a tile will be added
  4. Click the large plus (+) icon
  5. Search for the tile
  6. Click the pin icon to add it the desired group
  7. Click the person icon to return "Edit Home Page"
  8. Click the person icon and "Exit Edit Mode"