MSU Human Resources >> Professional-development >> Professional Development Services

organization & professional development

Staff Development Programs

Organization and Professional Development (OPD), a functional area of MSU Human Resources, develops and delivers high-quality learning, leadership and organization development services and programs to enable and encourage the continuous, lifelong growth of our employees and create a positive impact across the MSU community and beyond.

Services are focused in six key areas:

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Learning and Development


Organization Development


Leadership Development
Tuition Assistance
Performance Excellence
Onboarding and Exiting
Faculty/Academic Staff Development Programs

The Academic Advancement Network (AAN) works with all faculty, academic staff, and academic administrators at Michigan State University as they join the university, establish professional trajectories, and move through various stages of review, promotion, and growth.

Additional Development/Training Programs

Alumni LENS Program

Broad Executive Development Programs

Health4U Program

Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives

MSU IT Training

MSU Teaching Assistant Program

MSU WorkLife Office

Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

MSU Regulatory Compliance Training