Administrators of Organizational Units

HR Security Roles

Use this report to view HR/Payroll roles and the employees associated with that role.  Roles included are:

How to Search

This report can be used to find:

  • Whether a particular person (based on Net ID) has any of the above security roles
  • All people within an organization who hold any of the above roles
  • All people who have access to administer specific processes within an organization
  • Combinations of the above

Searching by MAU

In order to search “Organizational Unit” for all departments within a Major Administrative Unit (MAU):

  1. Open the search help for the “Organizational Unit” field
  2. In here, enter the 8-digit “College Code” or part of the “College” name
  3. Click “Go”
  4. Select all of the departments listed in the results
  5. Select “OK”

Why do I see people who are withdrawn in the list?

There are generally two reasons for this:

  • The person holds more than one position at MSU (i.e. concurrently employed), and one of the assignments is withdrawn, but another one is still active.
  • The person has left the university and should have that role removed.

Before removing a person's access, search based on their MSU NetID to make sure you are removing roles for the proper department.

Who Has MAU-level Access

This report is designed to tell you who has access to view or maintain employee information with a department. Someone with access at the level of the Major Administrative Unit (MAU) can access employee data in all departments within the MAU. Therefore, for someone who has a MAU-level role, this report lists them as have access to each individual department within the MAU.

If you want to know who holds an MAU-level role, please contact your MAU’s Security Administrator.

How to Sort and Group Search Results

  1. Once your search results have been returned, click the "gear" icon above the search results section.  A new screen will appear. You can add, remove, or rearrange columns, as well as set a sort order for the results.
  2. By clicking a column header...
    1. you can resort the table by that column
    2. you can set the column to "freeze", which means that if the table is wider than your computer screen/monitor, that column and all to the left will remain on screen, and the scroll bar will apply to all columns to the right

Export to Excel

Click "paper with graph" icon above the search results section.

  1. Export fetches data from the server and opens in Excel spreadsheet
  2. Export As gives you the option to either:
    1. Split cells with multiple values, which will separate Organizational Units and their codes into two separate columns. (For example "10070642-HUMAN RESOURCES" would become separate columns for the Organizational Unit code ("10070642") and the Organizational Unit Name ("HUMAN RESOURCES")
    2. Include filter settings creates a separate tab in the spreadsheet listing the criteria you entered in the filter area