Criminal Background Check (CBC) Information

MSU is committed to providing a safe environment for its students, faculty, and staff in support of its educational mission. As a part of the hiring process, a successful criminal background check (CBC) is needed. MSU HR utilizes a third-party vendor, HireRight, to conduct CBCs for temporary, on-call, support staff, faculty, academic, executive management and extension employees.

CBCs are needed for the following reasons: 

  • Position change for an employee group
  • New hire
  • Rehire (except for temporary employees that require the mandated week break in service) 

For individuals coming to the university directly from residence outside the United States, MSU will rely on the CBC conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. To validate if your employee needs a CBC, please review the CBC Requirements Scenario Crosswalk under Additional Resources below.

Youth Programs

All individuals who have unsupervised access to minors at a youth program must have been subject to a criminal background check (including sex offender registry check) within the last twelve months.

Student Employment

A background check for student employment is generally needed if the student will be working with children, sensitive data or monetary transactions.

Events and Venues

Background checks conducted for events and venues are processed for those individuals who work events at the Wharton Center, MSU Wharton Center, MSU Museum, Planetarium and the Eli and Edythe Board Art Museum.  

PageUp and HireRight Integration

The integration between Page Up Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and HireRight allows the criminal background check to be initiated within Page Up. This means unit initiators can reside in one system, PageUp, to administer the recruitment process for candidates as well as initiate the criminal background check for the successful candidate(s). 

Criminal Background Check (CBC) Authorization Forms:

Additional Resources

To request access to HireRight to initiate a criminal background check, the unit security administrator/supervisor should email the MSU HR Compliance Team at with the following details:

  • Please use the subject line: “HireRight Access for Faculty/Academic Staff” or “HireRight Access for Temps and On-Calls”
  • Employee’s name
  • Employee’s netID
  • Employee’s office phone number (if applicable)
  • Employee’s business address

To deactivate access to HireRight, the unit security administrator/supervisor should send an email to the MSU HR Compliance Team at with the following details:

  • Please use the subject line: “Deactivate HireRight Access”
  • Employee’s name
  • Employee’s netID
  • Effective date to deactivate access

This information helps users identify the correct account and package to select when initiating the criminal background check. Below you’ll find an overview of the HireRight accounts and packages available and the products included within each package that will be integrated into PageUp. 

Account MISU1:  Faculty, Academic ad Executive Staff FAS-Education Only-Foreign Nationals Package-3.0 Faculty, academic staff and executive management that come to the university directly from residence outside of the United States or those that only had a criminal background check completed.
  1. Global Education
  2. Managed Adjudication 3.0
Account MISU1:  Faculty, Academic ad Executive Staff FAS-Standard Without Education-3.0 Faculty, academic staff  and executive management criminal background check that does not need education verification.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
Account MISU1:  Faculty, Academic ad Executive Staff FAS-Standard-3.0 Faculty, academic staff and executive management criminal background check that includes education verification.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
  8. Education Report
Account MISU2:  Support Staff SS-Standard - Support Staff-3.0 Applicants hired as support staff.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. National Sex Offender Registry
  3. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  4. Global Criminal Search (current address)
  5. Managed Adjudication 3.0
Account MISU3:  Extension Extension-Standard Without Education-3.0  
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
Account MISU3:  Extension Extension-Standard-3.0  
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
  8. Education Report
Account MISU3: Extension Extension-Education Only-Foreign Nationals Package-3.0 Extension staff that come to the university directly from residence outside of the United States or those that only had a criminal background check completed.
  1. Global Education
  2. Managed Adjudication 3.0
Account MISU10:  Temps and On-Calls TOC-Standard - Support Staff-3.0  
  1. SSN Trace
  2. National Sex Offender Registry
  3. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  4. Global Criminal Search (current address)
  5. Managed Adjudication 3.0
Account MISU11:  MISU1-Canada FAS- Canada Education Only-Foreign Nationals Package-3.0 Faculty and academic staff Canadian applicants only.
  1. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  2. Global Education
Account MISU11:  MISU1-Canada FAS Canada-Standard Without Education-3.0 Faculty and academic staff Canadian applicants only.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
Account MISU11:  MISU1-Canada FAS Canada-Standard-3.0 Faculty and academic staff Canadian applicants only.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. Federal Criminal
    1. Current address
    2. All Addresses Revealed by SST (including current address)
  3. National Sex Offender Registry
  4. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  5. Health Care Sanctions - All
  6. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  7. Global Criminal Search (current address)
  8. Education Report
Account MISU12:  MISU2-Canada SS/TOC/EXT- Canada-Standard - Support Staff-3.0 Canadian applicants, including support staff, extension, temporary and on-calls.
  1. SSN Trace
  2. National Sex Offender Registry
  3. Widescreen Plus National Criminal Search
  4. Managed Adjudication 3.0
  5. Global Criminal Search (current address)
Account Package Name Explanation What's Included


Please review the following scenarios to help you determine if a CBC is required. Tip:  A hire or rehire action almost always requires a new CBC.  A reappointment action typically does not require a new CBC.  See table below for details on specific scenarios.   


  • A CBC can be completed once an offer of employment has been extended and accepted verbally. Authorization must be received from candidate prior to initiating a HireRight CBC request. Criminal background checks can be initiated no more than six months from the employee's planned start date.  
  • A change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different.
Scenario HireRight CBC Required Explanation
Employee hired and working out of country. Yes CBC is required, use unit’s address
Employee change position from Support Staff to FAS Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from Grad to FAS Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from FAS to Executive Management Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from Grad to Support Staff Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from Student to FAS Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from FAS to Executive Management Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Employee change position from Student to Support Staff Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Active student employee to a temp/on-call position Yes CBC is required due to change of position
Temp and On-Call to FAS Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Temp assignment ended and switch to FAS on-call status with no break in service Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Temp and On-Call to Support Staff Yes CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
Temp assignment ended, take one-week break in service, and rehire into recycled temp position


CBC is not needed if returned after the mandated week break.
Support Staff and TOC incur any break in service


New cbc required due to break in service
Temp assignment ended and switch to on-call status with no break in service 


Deemed as continuous employment, no break in service
Previously worked in U.S. has a break in service but, now works out of country 


CBC is required due to break in service use Unit address

If newly arrived in U.S. within 6 months or less (FAS and GRAS)


CBC is not required, rely on check conducted by Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Individuals coming to the University directly from residence outside the United States


CBC is not required, rely on check conducted by Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Dual Citizenship: Is a CBC needed for an individual who has dual citizenship in the U.S. and are entering the country after being gone for 6 months or more?


A CBC would be needed as the individual with dual citizenship in the U.S., would not be reviewed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  compared to applicants whose citizenship, is not held in the U.S.
Employee in U.S. greater than 6 months


CBC required due to break in service greater than 6 months, use U.S. address
Break in Service less than 6 months (FAS/GRAS) (if employment type stays the same)


CBC not required, as break in service is less than 6 months (CBC only needed if changing employment groups)
Employee returns from approved leave of absence (i.e., FMLA, short-term disability, sabbatical, etc.)


Deemed as continuous employment, no break in service
Terminated employee returns to work with a daybreak in service (except recycled temps)


New cbc required due to break in service
Retired employee returns to work with a daybreak in service


New cbc required due to break in service
AY Faculty Reappointments


Individual not actively working during the AY non-duty period of 5/16 – 8/15 or during a period of leave, but they are still considered continuously employed by the University
Hospital/medical facility where unpaid clinical faculty who volunteer for MSU are privileged and credentialed, and/or hold regular employment.


If their CBC process is as strenuous as the University’s cbc process
For clinical appointments in Medical Colleges where the hospital is not providing a background check.


CBC is required due to no being provided by hospital
Undergrads: professorial and undergraduate assistants


No CBC required for students unless unit informs MSU HR
No Pay to FAS


CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
No Pay to any other employment group


CBC is required, a change in employment groups requires a new CBC, as the products within each of the packages are different
No Pay New Hire action


CBC is required, except those in the following orgs: CHM, CVM, COM and Nursing.  University will rely on CBC conducted by medical facility where an unpaid clinical faculty is volunteering with the University and privileged/credentialed and/or holds regular employment.
No Pay Rehire action with more than six (6) months break in service


CBC is required, except those in the following orgs: CHM, CVM, COM and Nursing.  University will rely on CBC conducted by medical facility where an unpaid clinical faculty is volunteering with the University and privileged/credentialed and/or holds regular employment.
Student Employment


CBC needed for those working with cash, children, or financial information as determined by the department.
Youth/Volunteer Programs CBC


Conducted annually (every 12 months) at least 30 days prior to the start of the program Policy:
Dual Citizenship: Is a CBC needed for an individual who has dual citizenship in the U.S. and are entering the country after being gone for 6 months or more?


A CBC would be needed as the individual with dual citizenship in the U.S. , would not be reviewed by Department Homeland Security (DHS) as compared to those whose citizenship is not held in the U.S. 
Application Status Order Status Result Description
Request background check Pending N/A A background check has been requested but HireRight has not picked up the request yet.
Request background check Queued N/A HireRight has picked up the request and the applicant is in the queue to be sent a background check invitation.
Request background check Failed N/A Integration failure occurred and the background check request could not be processed by HireRight. An email is sent to requestor with reason for error.
Background check in progress New N/A

HireRight sent the invitation to the applicant, but:

  • applicant has not completed background invitation yet OR
  • applicant is under 18 years of age and completed the background invitation, but HireRight is awaiting parental consent before creating order.
Background check in progress Cancelled N/A The background check invitation was sent to the applicant but was cancelled in HireRight before the applicant completed the invitation.
Background check in progress Expired N/A Background check invitation was sent to applicant but was not completed prior to the expiration date. New background check request must be submitted.
Background check in progress In Progress N/A The background check invitation has been completed by the applicant and the background check order is in process in HireRight.
Background check complete Complete Pass The background check results have been returned by HireRight as "Meets Company Standards" or results have been adjudicated by MSU HR as "Meets Company Standards."
Background check complete Complete Review The background check results have been returned by HireRight as "Pending Potential Conflict" or "Client Review Required." Pending MSU HR adjudication.
Background check complete Complete Fail The background check results were returned by HireRight as "Pending Potential Conflict" or "Client Review Required." MSU HR completed the adjudication process and updated the status to "Does Not Meet Company Standards" in HireRight.

A status of “Meets Company Standards” means that the applicant has satisfactory background check results.

A status of “pending, client review required or pending-potential conflict” may occur for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons are:

  • A discrepancy has been found regarding the applicant’s degree information.
  • An institution is not able to provide a response regarding degree verification.
  • Criminal felony or misdemeanor records have been found on the applicant’s record.

All background checks with the status of "pending, client review required or pending-potential conflict” require central HR review. After central HR review, you will either receive an email notification from HireRight stating the status has been changed to “Meets Company Standards” or you will be contacted by central HR for additional follow-up.

Please reference this HireRight Quick Start Guide for questions about how to get started using the HireRight system.