W-2 Archive
Current Year W-2
Beginning with tax year 2021, W-2s are issued through ADP and are available under the "W-2 Reprint" tile.
W-2s for tax year 2020 and prior are located under the W-2 Archive tile.
- Choose the "W-2 Archive" link in the EBS Portal.
- Select which year you would like to see.
- To print or download, choose the printer graphic or download arrow on the Adobe toolbar.
- Logout and close the tab or window to return Home.
After completion log out if you are finished or use the search to find another application.
Accessibility Tips
- The table layout of the W-2 document is not recognized by screen readers.
- Fields in the W-2 are numbered. The screen reader will read each field’s label, followed by the numbered value, then go immediately to the next field. This causes the number of the next field to be read as part of the prior number. For example, “1 Wages, tips, other compensation. 1234.56” and “2 Federal Income Tax Withheld 789.01” will be read as “1 Wages, tips, other compensation. 1234.562 Federal Income Tax Withheld 789.01”. There are only two digits to the right of a decimal point; the third decimal number read is the label of the next field.