Everything Disc: Management (Live, Online Course)

*Note: You must currently be a manager to enroll. There is pre-work that will be sent to you that MUST be completed to attend this course.

The focus of Everything DiSC®: Management is a deeper understanding of oneself, as this is the first step to becoming a more effective manager. The DiSC Management profile helps managers understand the preferences they have as a manager, thereby helping them understand when they are a strength, and when those preferences could turn into a bias against other, equally valuable, work styles.

The profile also teaches how to observe behaviors in colleagues, employees and clients to recognize their DiSC styles and how managers can adapt their behavior to other DiSC styles in order to manage more effectively. The concentration is on directing, delegating, motivating and developing the people they manage. The profile recognizes that all styles are equally valuable, and that managers can be successful no matter their DiSC style.


Session dates for 2024 will be released as soon as they are cofirmed.

Please email  prodev@hr.msu.edu  to request notification when registration becomes available. include the course title in the email heading. 




Kathie Elliott and Carrie Galdes, MSU Human Resources, Organization and Professional Development






*MSU HR Organization and Professional Development follows all applicable state and public health guidance and university-wide directives. If deemed necessary or advisable, course locations and formats are subject to change. In the event of a change, notice will be communicated via email.