Identify and Maximize Your Strengths, part 2: Unlock the full 34

NOTE: This session is designed exclusively for those who have previously attended an offering of Identify and Maximize Your Strengths through OPD. 

Exploring your CliftonStrengths results does not have to end with the top 5 talents. Did you know, Gallup offers access to your unique distribution of the 34 talents and strengths? In this continued learning session, you will unlock your full 34 strengths report and learn what those mean to you through a series of reflective and interactive exercises.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify individual talents utilizing the CliftonStrengths Full 34 Report.
  • Evaluate the impact of identified talents on the individual, the work and relationships.
  • Determine how to further develop natural talents into strengths utilizing the tools provided.

Employees may use available educational assistance funds to pay for this program.


Thursday, May 8, 2025 (in person)


1:00 to 3:00 p.m.


Danielle Hook, MSU HR Organization and Professional Development
David Robinson, MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities




MSU HR building, 1407 S. Harrison Road in East Lansing, Suite 10*

*MSU HR Organization and Professional Development follows all applicable state and public health guidance and university-wide directives. If deemed necessary or advisable, course locations and formats are subject to change. In the event of a change, notice will be communicated via email.