lean Introduction 

A One Day Introduction to Lean Thinking and Practices

Welcome to Lean Introduction:  A one day introduction to Lean Thinking and Practices.  Over the course of the next day, we will explore the foundational rules and principles used to guide your lean journey.  

You will be able to identify the benefits of applying a structured and standardized process improvement framework to your organization’s change efforts.

We will focus on the importance of systematically eliminating waste from our processes. 

We will move on to explore the importance of a structured and systematic problem solving methodology in order to address the root cause of problems to ensure that they do not reappear in the future. 


Session dates for 2025 will be released as soon as they are confirmed.

Please email    prodev@hr.msu.edu    to request notification when registration becomes available. include the course title in the email heading. 




Lean Learning Center




MSU HR building, 1407 S. Harrison Road in East Lansing, Suite 10*


*MSU HR Organization and Professional Development follows all applicable state and public health guidance and university-wide directives. If deemed necessary or advisable, course locations and formats are subject to change. In the event of a change, notice will be communicated via email.