Introduction to University procurement and logistics

University Procurement and Logistics manages the supply chain for MSU by providing expertise in acquiring, managing, and distributing goods and services. To give campus customers an overview of our services, we are offering an Introduction to University Procurement and Logistics class. Though the class is geared toward new employees, all are welcome to attend!

Each of our departments will provide tips and information on topics including:

  • Procurement
  • Spartan Marketplace
  • Pcard
  • Capital Asset Management
  • Accounts Payable
  • Mail Services
  • U-Track
  • Import and export compliance
  • University Stores and Logistics

We'll wrap up the session with a brief tour of the University Services facility.


Next session dates will be released as soon as they are confirmed.

Please email  to request notification when registration becomes available. include the course title in the email heading. 


10:00 a.m. to noon


Kristen Baer, University Services




Angell Building, Conference Room

166 Service Road

East Lansing, MI