Resilient leadership series
Explore with other campus leaders some essential resilience skills required for effective leadership for the common good including: emotional intelligence; emotional resilience; psychological flexibility; mindfulness; effective stress mitigation practices; and practices of compassionate accountability for self and others. This course will provide an overview of the resilience training model utilized by the MSU Spartan Resilience Training Program. This course is a pre-requisite to other courses designed to support leaders in their efforts to be wise, value-guided leaders in these challenging times.
Participants will:
- Receive an overview of the resilience training model utilized by the MSU Spartan Resilience Training Program, including the practical 6-word framework for resilience.
- Explore the importance of the leader having a strong capacity to witness and take accountability for their own thoughts, feelings, behaviors.
- Consider a paradigm shift that allows people to understand the inside- out nature of their moment-to-moment experience of reality and why this paradigm shift is essential for effective leadership.
- Develop practical grounding skills which support wise, value guided leadership.
Consider how individual and collective health are impacted by systems of power and privilege and dominant cultural narratives related to work, productivity, relationships, emotional expression, and other aspects of work cultures created within the construct of whiteness and white supremacy.
NOTE: Employees may use available educational assistance funds to pay for this program.
Four Part Series (virtual)
- Wednesday, October 30, 2024
- Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- Wednesday, November 13, 2024
- Wednesday, November 20, 2024
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
*MSU HR Organization and Professional Development follows all applicable state and public health guidance and university-wide directives. If deemed necessary or advisable, course locations and formats are subject to change. In the event of a change, notice will be communicated via email.