Managing Difficult Customers

Prevention and De-escalation Strategies

This course will provide practical information and methods to enhance internal and external customer service. Learn strategies to maximize individual and team performance, positive communication, and cohesiveness to effectively manage circumstances before, during, and after a critical situation.


  • Learn self-management techniques to enhance one’s ability to effectively navigate a potentially difficult situation.
  • Learn to proactively identify precipitating factors, situations, and dispositions that could be warning signs.
  • Explore the Integrated Experience and Verbal Escalation Continuums.
  • Learn, discuss, and practice non-violent (hands off) crisis intervention techniques.


This course is not available at this time.


9:00 to 11:30 a.m.


Todd Bradley, MSU Human Resources, Organization and Professional Development




1407 S. Harrison Road, Room 10

East Lansing, MI