MSU Human Resources >> Professional-development >> Tuition Benefit Program

tuition benefit Program

(Formerly Course Fee Courtesy)

Upcoming changes for Fall Semester 2025: Dependents and spouses of full-time, benefits-eligible employees may apply for the MSU Tuition Benefit Program upon the employee's start date, eliminating the previous wait periods. The program is valid through the semester in which a first bachelor’s degree, agricultural technology certificate or 134 credits is attempted, whichever comes first. Learn more by reviewing Board of Trustees Policy 304  and reviewing Frequently Asked Questions. The content below will be updated by August 1 when the policy enhancements are implemented. 

In the meantime, review the existing Course Fee Courtesy Policy for your employee group, which will remain in effect through Summer 2025: 

Summary of the Benefit

The Tuition Benefit Program provides tuition assistance equal to one-half of the applicable Michigan resident undergraduate course tuition, up to the maximum per credit. The program is valid only toward the recipient’s first-ever bachelor’s degree or certificate in the agricultural technology program, even if their first degree is from another institution. It is valid through the semester the degree is completed, up to the 134th credit is attempted. This reduction in tuition is only valid for students attending MSU for a first bachelor’s degree. It does not apply to any other institution.

Course fees shall be defined as credit-hour tuition rates only. This program does not provide a reduction of the other fees, taxes, or charges that the university may collect for third parties.

Effective Date

Employees who have met the eligible requirements prior to the second week of a semester are considered eligible for that entire semester.

Employee Eligibility

Dependents, spouses, or other eligible individuals of eligible employees who meet the criteria below may apply for this program. 

All regular full-time support staff employees, including Administrative Professional staff with flexible appointments and “official retirees,” are eligible for this program upon hire.

Full-time appointments in the tenure system; full-time appointments in the specialist, librarian, full-time faculty/academic staff with fixed-term appointments (i.e., appointment status is fixed term, rolling fixed term, contract, or rolling contract), full-time Health Programs faculty, FRIB/NSCL, MSU Extension continuing appointment systems; or other continuing appointment; full-time appointments in executive management positions; and full-time contracts that specify immediate eligibility for the Tuition Benefit Program are eligible for the Tuition Benefit Program upon appointment. For administrative purposes, the appointment must begin by September 1 for eligibility for the Fall semester, by January 15 for eligibility for the Spring semester, or by June 1 for eligibility for the Summer semester.

To be eligible, faculty/academic staff must be covered under one of the above.

Official retirees of MSU who were eligible at the time of their retirement retain their eligibility during retirement.

Approved Leave

Approved dependents of eligible support staff, faculty or academic staff on approved leave of absence will continue to be eligible for the Tuition Benefit Program.


Approved dependents of eligible support staff, faculty or academic staff or eligible retiree retain eligibility in the following situations:

  1. If the employee is a recipient of Long-Term Disability.
  2. If the employee dies while actively employed or while a recipient of Long-Term Disability benefits.
  3. If the retiree dies.

Eligible Dependents

Spouses and dependent children who are eligible for the Tuition Benefit Program are defined as follows:

For the Tuition Benefit Program, the term dependent child includes any of the following until the child reaches the age of 26, provided the child is an MSU student by December 31 of the year they turn 26 and is considered dependent for federal income tax purposes:

  • Biological child
  • Stepchild
  • Legally adopted child
  • Child under your legal guardianship

The legal recognized spouse or other eligibile individual of eligible support staff, faculty or academic staff.

Enrollment and Admission Requirements

Students’ academic eligibility is based on the following: Student applicants must be admitted or readmitted to Michigan State University in accordance with the typical requirements for admission and readmission. The student must be enrolled in Agricultural Technology or a degree-granting program leading to a first baccalaureate degree. (Exploratory preference students are also eligible.) Credits ATTEMPTED must equal less than 134. These credits will be calculated by adding the student’s total credits earned (including transfer credits, pass grades and credit grades), plus credits for courses in which the student received a Deferred, Incomplete, Withdrawn, Extension, No-pass, No-credit, or 0.0, and/or Repeat Credits.


Any refund applicable to the Tuition Benefit Program will revert to the University if the student drops courses or withdraws from school during the refund period.

Termination of the Tuition Benefit Program

Except as stipulated, the Tuition Benefit Program for a spouse and dependent children will be discontinued after the semester, during which the employee or student becomes ineligible or employment is terminated. Refer to Extenuating Eligibility for more information.

Employee/Retiree Responsibilities

Complete and submit the online Tuition Benefit Program Application in the EBS Portal. Only one application must be completed for each student for the entire undergraduate degree (134 credits attempted) unless the student leaves the university and readmission as a student is required. Applications should be submitted to the appropriate office in accordance with the following deadlines:

  • Fall Semester June
  • Spring Semester October 1
  • Summer Semester March 1


If you would like more information on the Tuition Benefit Program, please visit our Tuition Benefit Program FAQ Page.

Updated: 2/7/2025
