Record Time Data

Time Entries

  1. Enter the number of hours in the cell for the correct date in the row with the appropriate absence type. If appropriate absence type is not present, choose the absence type from the drop-down list and enter the number of hours in the cell for the correct date.  Repeat for any additional absence types.
  2. Click Save to save the time entry.  

After completion or review of variations click the house to return home, log out if finished or use the search to find another application.


  • Use the same process to view time information entered by someone else.
  • At step 1, change weeks or move to a specific date using the arrow buttons and calendar.
  • Prior to Step 2, click Check to validate entries. 

Time Statement

  1. Click Printable Time Statement
    • Enter desired parameters
    • Must select start and end dates
  2. Will default to ALL attendance/absence types or choose an individual type
  3. Click Generate PDF 

PDF opens in a new window. When done reviewing/printing results close PDF to return to the EBS Portal. 

When complete, click Home (house), log out, or search for another application.

Accessibility Tips

For tips on using this application with a screen reader, and finding equivalent text for the color-coding in the application, please see the accessibility tips page for this application.