Annual Academic Raise - University/college/ MAU Control Totals by Department report


This tile opens a report to track control totals and submission status by department. College/MAU and department data display will be based on a user’s access. The report may be run wide open or filtered based on College/MAU, Department, or Approval Level.

Tip: For best results when typing in a search field select the appropriate values that prefill.

Default Display

The default display is grouped by College/MAU, and then by Department. A row is provided for each department with approval and control total data as follows:

  • Department - the concatenated number and name of the department for the row.
  • Approval Level – current approval level for the department. Valid values are Department Approval, College/MAU Approval, and University Approval.
  • Merit* – calculated merit control total for the department.
  • Remaining Merit* – the amount of the calculated merit for the department that has not been awarded.
  • Excellence & Equity* – calculated excellence & equity control total for the department.
  • Remaining Excellence & Equity* - the amount of the calculated excellence & equity for the department that has not been awarded.
  • UNTF Merit* - calculated UNTF merit control for the department.
  • Remaining UNTF Merit* – the amount of the calculated UNTF merit for the department that has not been awarded.
  • College/MAU – the College/MAU over this department.

* In the default grouping view a subtotal for the College/MAU will be displayed for these fields. 

Tool Bar

  1. Expand AllExpand All
    • When clicked will expand any grouped data that was previously collapsed.
  2. Collapse AllCollapse All
    • When clicked will collapse grouped data that was previously expanded.
  3. Download ExcelDownload Excel
    • When clicked will download the specified department using the default layout with all formulas.
  4. Settings Gear Settings
    • Open settings to change the default groupings, sort, or column display.
  5. MaximizeMaximize
    • While clicked will pop the raise list out in from the the default application screen. The icon will switch to minimize at that point to close the new view.

Download Excel

  1. Enter any desired filter for College/MAU.
  2. Click on Download Excel icon.
  3. The file that downloads will be given a name using the following format “AcadRaise_CTRL_(MAU/org number)_(date time stamp)."


  1. Single department download is only available for users with access to a single department. If a user has full College/MAU access the full College/MAU will download with a separate department on each tab.
  2. Approval level will not be included in the downloaded file.

Authorization & Access

To access the Control Total Report, users must have an applicable security role in place:

  • Department Maintenance roles:  ZDHR_Raise_Dept_Maint_XXXXXXXX
  • College/MAU Maintenance roles:  ZDHR_Raise_MAU_Maint_XXXXXXXX
    • Automatically inherits edit access at the department level for all departments reporting to that College/MAU.
  • Department Display Only roles:  ZDHR_Raise_Dept_View_XXXXXXXX
  • College/MAU Display Only roles:  ZDHR_Raise_MAU_View_XXXXXXXX
    • Automatically inherits view access at the department level for all departments reporting to that College/MAU.
  • University Display Only role: ZDHR_Raise_Univ_View

Employees will appear on the report according to their position’s reporting relationships as well as funding, with exception. Employees appearing on multiple lists will be labeled as Joint.

If you do not find the expected Colleges/MAUs or Departments in the Annual Academic Raise tiles, please request access through an IT Access Request. If you do not find employees where expected, please reach out to Classification & Compensation.