MSU Human Resources >> Ebshelp >> Baseretirementvoluntary >> Base Retirement Voluntary Enrollment

Base Retirement Voluntary Enrollment 


Personal Profile

  1. Verify Name and Address displayed on Personal Profile step is accurate.
      1. If information is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or
  2. Click  Next  to continue to next screen. 

Benefits Summary

Benefit Summary appears with view-only enrollment of current plans. This is informational only. 

  1. Click Next to continue to next screen. 

Savings Plans

403(b) Base

  1. Click  Add  (sheet with + sign) to enroll.
      1. Click  Edit  (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to change vendor.
      2. Click  Cancel  (trash can) if already enrolled and would like to remove and skip to Review and Save section below.
  2. Click on the row with the vendor desired.
  3. Click  Select.
      1. Click  Cancel  to discard changes.

Review and Save 

  1. Review information provided regarding Inactive Plans, Unchanged Plans, Plans to be Added, Plans to be Removed, and/or Plans to be Changed to validate enrollment is as expected.
  2. Click  Save.
      1. Optionally, navigate back to savings plan screen to make any changes prior to clicking save. 

Final Screen

  1. Review information provided on Benefit Elections Summary.
  2. Review Benefit Confirmation Statement that has been emailed.
      1. Optionally, click on  Print Benefit Elections Summary  to view Benefit Confirmation Statement.
      2. Optionally, click on  Restart Enrollment  to go back through enrollment and make any changes.
      3. Optionally, click on  Go to Participation Overview  to view a current benefit participation overview.
      4. Optionally, click on  Personal Profile  to make changes to address.

After completion or review of variations click the house to return home, log out if finished or use the search to find another application.


How do I navigate through enrollment?

Enrollment uses what we call road map technology and walks employees through step by step. You may navigate through enrollment by clicking the Next and Previous buttons or by clicking directly on the screen number desired.

My Name is listed incorrectly. How do I update this information?

If your name is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or

My Address is listed incorrectly. How do I update this information?

If your address is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or  or update via your Personal Profile upon completion of enrollment.

What does Inactive Plans mean?

Inactive plans are plans that an employee is eligible for but are not enrolled in.
