Annual Academic Raise
The Annual Academic Raise tile provides a new list of employees eligible for a raise annually. This list will include all regular faculty and academic staff meeting eligibility requirements. Eligible employees will appear on lists for all their affiliated organizational units, including funding units with some exceptions.
During the open period for each raise year the application will be editable and raises will be entered and approved via this tile. The entries for the raise process will be retained and may be viewed throughout the year(s) as needed going forward (data prior to 2024 is in a separate system). Individual forms will also be available via the HR Forms Workflow Report.
To begin, from Annual Academic Raise Tile:
- Enter/Select Department to enter as a department. The college/MAU value for this will default in when entering a department value.
- Enter/Select College/MAU to enter as a college/MAU.
- Click on Go.
- A list of employees available for the current cycle year will appear below with one row for each eligible raise type.
- Additional filters exist for Employee Group, Personnel Number and Raise Type. Employee Group Values are going to be Union, Non-Union, and Hybrid. Hybrid employees are those union employees who's UNTF percent is less than 100 and they will appear with both union and non-union assignments.
- Click on Adapt Filter to access additional filters for Raise Given or Reason for No Merit.
Tip: For best results when typing in a search field, select the appropriate values that prefill.
Default Display
The default display is grouped first by employee name, and then by union indicator, then is sorted by employee name. A row is provided for each raise type the employee may receive and includes the following columns and data:
- Person Name - employee's preferred name formatted 'Last Name, First Name.'
- Union? - yes/no column where yes indicates union affiliation and no indicates non-union.
- Personnel Number - unique number for employee's assignment.
- Employee Subgroup - employee's appointment type.
- Joint? - yes/no column where yes indicates the assignment requires joint approval and no indicates does not require joint approval.
- Emp % - employment percent.
- UNTF% - percent of assignment that is union.
- Weighing% - for joint funding approval, the percentage of salary covered by the department.
- FTE Salary - Full-Time Equivalent salary for the employee’s assignment.
- Raise Type - lists the raise type that applies for the given row.
- Raise$ - the predicated dollar amount based on the percentages and for Full-Time Equivalent salary for the raise type in the selected raise year.
- Raise% - the percentage for the raise type in the selected raise year.
- $ Raise Given* - this field must be populated for the employee to receive this raise and is the Full-Time Equivalent dollar amount of the awarded raise for the raise type. In the default grouping view, a cumulative total of all raise types will be displayed for this field.
- % Raise Given* - this field must be populated for the employee to receive this raise and is the percentage of the awarded raise type.
Final FTE Salary - this is a cumulative field and shows the Final FTE salary with each raise type awarded in the following order:
- Merit
- Deans Withhold
- UNTF Merit
- Excellence & Equity
- Promotion
- Designation B
- Minimum Salary - the minimum salary (if any) for the employee’s assignment.
- Job Title - the job title for the employee’s assignment.
- Department - the department name for the entering department.
- Reference Number - the form reference number that is associated with this process.
- Approval Level - the approval step where this raise currently sits.
- Display Order - this is a technical field required for sorting and raise calculations to work, please leave this column included if changing the display.
* Within the application, a user can input either a % or $ amount and the other will automatically calculate.
Application Tool Bar
Expand All
- When clicked will expand any grouped data that was previously collapsed.
Collapse All
- When clicked will collapse grouped data that was previously expanded.
Variance Report
- When clicked will open the Variance Report in a new tab.
Enter Raise
- Select a row or rows and click on this icon to enter a raise.
Download Excel
- When clicked will download the specified department using the default layout with all formulas.
Upload Excel
- When clicked will allow a user to upload the specified department's raises using the downloaded file.
Reset Department
- Will reset all "Raise Given" values to zero. This step cannot be undone and will require a 2nd step confirmation. Only use if the entire department needs to be reset to zero.
- Open settings to change the default groupings, sort, or column display.
- While clicked will pop the raise list out in from the the default application screen. The icon will switch to minimize at that point to close the new view.
Enter Raise
- Select the row or multiple rows to enter by clicking on the checkbox to the far left.
- Click on Enter Raise.
- Select Amount or Percent in the pop-up.
- Enter raise values for each raise type selected.
- If a zero-raise amount or percent is entered for a merit type raise, then a reason for no merit may be selected. If no reason is input, a warning will appear when submitting.
- Click Save.
- A pop-up will appear confirming the entered raise(s), please review and close this pop-up to continue working.
- Do not enter dollar amounts with a comma (e.g. enter 2000.00 not 2,000.00) or the system will read the comma as a decimal.
- Since the application “Enter Raise” function is allowed for individual and mass raise entry it will not read in previously entered raise amounts when selecting to input a raise amount or percent.
- If selecting multiple rows, the same raise will be applied to all employees selected for a given raise type.
- If the “Promotion” or “Designation B” raise types are selected no changes will be applied to these raise type amounts as they are preset amounts.
Download Excel
- Enter/Select College/MAU.
- Enter/Select Department.
- Click on Download Excel icon.
- The file that downloads will be given a name using the following format: "AcadRaise_(dept number)_(date/time stamp)."
- The file download includes all formulas related to calculated fields including control totals. For these formulas to work the editable fields are limited.
- All fields except “Raise Given” and “Reason for No Merit” will be locked in the downloaded file so that the file can be used for upload.
Upload Excel
- Enter/Select College/MAU.
- Enter/Select Department.
- Click on the Upload Excel icon.
- Browse to select the file to upload.
- Click on Validate Excel File.
- A list of Valid Raise Entries will appear as well as a list of Error Messages. If errors are present when submitting the upload file, the entries that are not in error will update while the other records with an error will not.
- Click on Update Raise Entries to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
Tip: Use a file that was downloaded recently from the application as your upload file. This will reduce most of the error messages below.
Upload Excel Error Messages will include:
- For problems with the file:
- Select an Excel file with .xlsx file extension.
- File name exceeds the maximum permitted length of 50 characters. Please rename the file and try again.
- File exceeds the maximum allowed size of 10 MB. Please reduce the file size and try again.
- For problems with the file content:
- Organizational Unit field values in search filter and in excel file are not equal.
- Reason for No Merit is not applicable if merit amount is greater than 0.
- Employee is not eligible for Raise Type: ***.
- For changes to the application since the upload file was downloaded from the application:
- $ Raise Given was modified ***.
- Workflow status was modified after file download.
The Annual Academic Raise process has its own workflow, and it will not follow normal form workflow.
To submit a department:
- Enter/Select Department.
- Click on Submit Department in the lower right corner.
- A pop-up will appear with any errors and the only error that will not allow submission for a department approval will be for Variance and will include a link to the Variance Report to help clear the error.
- If there are no variances, a pop up will appear listing the control totals for the department employees being approved. Review control totals, acknowledge any warnings and click Submit to continue or Cancel to return to editing.
- After Submit a dialog box will appear including a processing bar. It is safe to close this box and continue working. An email will be sent to the user that clicked submit once all forms are sent to the next level.
To submit a College/MAU:
- Enter/Select College/MAU.
- Click on Submit College/MAU in the lower right corner.
- A pop-up will appear with any errors. Errors for the College/MAU include:
- All reporting units have not been submitted. Use the University/College/MAU Control Totals by Department report to determine which departments have not been submitted.
- Variance and will include a link to the Variance Report to help clear the error(s).
- If there are no errors, a pop up will appear listing the control totals for the department employees being approved. Review control totals, acknowledge any warnings and click Submit to continue or Cancel to return to editing.
- After Submit, a dialog box will appear including a processing bar. It is safe to close this box and continue working. An email will be sent to the user that clicked submit once all forms are sent to the next level.
Since the submission process is moving multiple forms at one time it may take some time to process. Please note that processing time will vary based on the number of employees being processed and the number of users in the raise process at one time.
Authorization and Access
To complete the annual raise process and/or view the correct lists, users must have the applicable security role in place:
- Department Maintenance roles: ZDHR_Raise_Dept_Maint_XXXXXXXX
- College/MAU Maintenance roles: ZDHR_Raise_MAU_Maint_XXXXXXXX
- Automatically inherits edit access at the department level for all departments routing to that College/MAU.
- Department Display Only roles: ZDHR_Raise_Dept_View_XXXXXXXX
- College/MAU Display Only roles: ZDHR_Raise_MAU_View_XXXXXXXX
- Automatically inherits view access at the department level for all departments routing to that College/MAU.
- University Display Only role: ZDHR_Raise_Univ_View
Employees will appear on lists according to their position’s reporting relationships as well as funding, with exception. Employees appearing on multiple lists will be labeled as Joint. Joint appointments must have the same raise information entered in all locations; a Variance Report is provided for tracking this agreement.
If you do not find the expected list Colleges/MAUs or Departments in the Annual Academic Raise tiles, please request access through an IT Access Request. If you do not find employees where expected, please reach out to Classification & Compensation.