Data Definitions HRP991

Data elements used in the Performance Excellence Annual Review Analysis, and displayed in the table below, are defined on this page.

  HRP991 table


HRP991 table legend

Eligible for Annual Reviews: Employees who are in support staff specific personnel sub-areas (those required to have annual review as part of Performance Excellence), and who also have an annual review due date within the date range selected.

Note: Employees included in the eligible population may have entered or exited an eligible group or left the university before their review or prior to review completion. These records are counted in the eligible employee population, but will not be included in the review status data.


Annual Reviews Completed On-Time: Reviews completed on or before the date due (Task Date). Date review was completed (Evaluation Date) is derived from the date the employee signed the performance review.

Defintion on time


Annual Reviews Completed/Late: Reviews completed after the date due (Task Date). Date review was completed (Evaluation Date) is derived from the date the employee signed the performance review.

Completed late definition


Annual Reviews Not-Completed/Late: reviews which are not complete according to system data as of report date and the due date (Task Date) has passed.

Not completed and late defintion


Annual Reviews Not Yet Due: Reviews which are not complete according to system data as of report date and the due date (Task Date) is in the future.

not yet due definition

Employees Receiving No Performance Rating: Specific reviews that do not require performance level indicator, such as probationary reviews.

Planning Meetings Completed On Time: Planning meetings completed within 30 days (before/after) of review date, new hire, org change, position change. The date the planning meeting was completed is derived from the date the employee signed the planning meeting form.

Planning Meetings Completed Late: Planning meeting NOT completed within 30 days after review date, new hire, org change, position change.  Date planning meeting was completed is derived from the date the employee signed the planning meeting form.

“Organization codes may be displayed that currently do not contain any employee data”: Organization codes will be displayed in the selection criteria, however, not all organization codes will contain employee records related to Performance Excellence. Examples include “parent orgs” in cases where sub-organizations have been created.

Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations, Developing, Does Not Meet Expectations: For definitions and criteria related to each of the performance levels, please refer to the Performance Excellence Annual Review Form.