Report PromptS - HRP1095

When running the Employee Service Record Report, users will be presented prompts based on their security access to identify parameters and sets of data to be included in the report results. If a person has access to both organizations or Major Administrative Units (MAU) and departments/sub-orgs, they will see a prompt for organizations to select and a cascading prompt with departments and/or sub-orgs within those organizations to select. If a person only has access to departments/sub-orgs, they will see a prompt with just those departments/sub-orgs to select from.                                

Two types of searches can be performed:

  • Summary Search: Returns a summary page of all employees that meet the organizational and enterprise structure selections in the prompts. Clicking on an employee's PersonID from the summary page will launch the detail page for that employee, which outlines the full employment history for that individual.
  • Employee-Specific Search: Returns a detail page outlining the full employment history of specific employees selected in the report prompts and are within the organizations the user has access to.

Summary Search

Prompt #1: Select the 'As of Date' (required)

Select the key date for employment and salary information. This prompt is required. Data will pull as of the date selected and defaults to today’s date. A previous date or future date may also be selected.

                          screenshot of Select As of Date prompt             

Prompt #2: Select Employee Status

By default, all active and inactive employees as of the date entered in Prompt #1 will be returned in the summary search. If desired, add or remove employee status selections.

                           screenshot of Select Employee Status prompt

Prompt #3: Select Organization(s)/Departments to Include (required)

Select to view either Organizations (MAU) codes or Department/Sub-Org codes to be displayed for selection in the next prompt. This prompt is required and defaults to Organization. Users that have access to both Org level and department level data can choose which level of organization code prompts to view and select from in the next prompt.

                         screenshot Select Organization/Departments to Include prompt

Prompt #3a: Select Organization(s)

Select which Organization (MAU) codes to display in the report. Options presented in this selection box will depend on the user's access. To select multiple Organizations, hold down the Control key while you make your selections. If no Organization or Department selection are indicated, the report will display all data for all units the user has access to.

 screenshot of Select Organization prompt

Prompt #3b: Select Department(s)/Sub-Org(s)

To select specific department(s)/sub-org(s) reporting to the MAU, highlight the Organization (MAU) and click on Reprompt the department/sub-orgs reporting to the organization will be displayed in which the user has access to. To select multiple departments/sub-orgs, hold down the Control key while making your selections.

screenshot of Select Departments prompt

  Prompt #4: Select Personnel Area

By default, 'Both MSU Dubai and US' will be selected. This prompt is not required.  To make a different selection, click on the appropriate radio button.

                       screenshot of Select Personnel Area prompt

Prompt #5: Select Personnel Subarea

If desired, check one or more of the Personnel Sub-area boxes. This prompt is not required.  You can click on Select all to choose all options instead of clicking each one separately.  The options that appear are dependent upon the Personnel Area selected in Prompt #4. 

                      screenshot of Select Personnel Subarea prompt

Prompt #6: Select Employee Group

By default, the 'All Union, Non-Union and No-Pay Employees' radio button will be selected. This prompt is not required.  To make a different selection click on the appropriate radio button(s).

                      screenshot of Select Employee Group prompt

Prompt #7: Select Employee SubGroup

If desired, check one or more Employee Subgroups. This prompt is not required.  You can click on Select all to choose all options instead of clicking each one separately.  The options that appear are dependent upon the employee groups selected in Prompt #6.

                    screenshot of Select Employee Subgroup prompt

Select Finish to run the report. 


Employee-Specific Search

Prompt #1: Select the 'As of Date' (required)

Select the key date for employment and salary information. This prompt is required. Data will pull as of the date selected and defaults to today’s date. A previous date or future date may also be selected.

                   screenshot of Select As of Date prompt

Prompt #2: Search and Select Employee Name(s) or Personnel Number(s)

Enter the last name, first name or personnel number (PERNR) in the Search field to search for a specific employee.  Note: The ability to search for an employee will depend on the user's access, only employee(s) within the organization(s) the user has access to can be searched.

For a more inclusive search, click on the Options link and select the 'Contains any of these keywords' radio button. Then, click on the Search button.

All matching results will be returned in the Results column. To select the employee, click on the name of the employee in the Results column and click on the insert button to transfer the employee to the Choice field. If multiple employees are entered into the Choice column, the report will return a single Detail Page outlining the full employment history for each employee. 

screenshot of Employee PERNR Search prompt

Select Finish to run the report.