general information
Organization and Professional Development
Learn more about how to connect with Organization and Professional Development programs and services.
Instructor Led Training
Instructor led courses hosted and offered through Organization and Professional Development require program registration via EBS.
Courses with an associated cost
- Can be funded using available educational assistance funds.
- Will require an account number for registration.
- Will route to a direct supervisor for approval.
- Registration requests are automaticallly declined if left unanswered by a supervisor within XX days.
- Programs with no cost will approve automatically, without routing to a supervisor for approval. Learners should seek supervisor support and approval prior to registering for these courses.
Sign up for courses
- Visit log in with your MSU NetID and password.
- Click on My Career & Training.
- Click on Courses for Employees at MSU.
- Click on the Browse Current Courses link, then on the Organization and Professional Development link.
- Click on the folder of interest or All Current Courses, then click on the course of interest.
- Click the preferred course date.
- Click Request Participation.
- Click OK to confirm.
- Select Method of Payment from Payment Options. Note: A department account number must be entered for all course bookings. If the course is free, it is not necessary to select a method of payment.
- Click OK.
When a course becomes full, a waitlist is available. Waitlist attendees are moved into the program and out of waitlist status in the order they signed up.
Primary Location
Most of the in-person programs offered through Organization and Professional Development are hosted in the Human Resources Building. Suite 10 is in the lower level of the building.
1407 South Harrison Road, Suite 10
East Lansing, MI 48824
Parking is enforced in the lot. If you do not have a permit, daily permits can be purchased online
Alternative Locations
Occassionally, a program may be hosted at alternative locations. Be sure to check course related communications for session specific details. These locations can include but are not limited to,
- Henry Center for Executive Development
- MSU Computer Center
Campus maps
- MSU Interactive Campus Map
- Barrier Free, Lactation Room, and Single Occupancy Restroom Maps
Virtual programs are generally hosted via Zoom. Occassionally, Teams will be utlized for virtual courses and webinars. Please refer to course specific email communications for details.
A virtual meeting link and password will be distributed via email to all registered attendees on the Friday before the class begins.
Please be sure your computer is running the most current version of Zoom. Learn more here.
Please notify Organization and Professional Development immediately in the event of a cancellation. We understand things come up and will work with you to accomocdate your needs and navigate the change. We can also assist with rescheduling or make up opportuntiies.
Courses with material or assessment fees may require a cancellation fee.
Contact our team directly at
MSU HR Organization and Professional Development monitors weather, current events and all applicable state and public health guidance and university-wide directives. If deemed necessary, program formats and locations are subject to change.
In the event of a program change, learners will be notified immediately via email.
Michigan State University, a land-grant university, occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg–Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. To interactively learn more how the United States funded land-grab (-grant) universities with expropriated Indigenous land, visit:
Self-Directed Learning
Learn more about MSU's online learning library, ElevateU. Available to all benefits eligible employees, ElevateU offers thousands of e-learning courses, books, videos, audio books, skills benchmark assessments and guided learning journeys. Learn more about ElevateU here.
Access ElevateU
Access elevateU via this direct link or via the EBS Portal using the directions below.
- Log in to the EBS Portal with your MSU NetID and password.
- Click on My Career and Training in the top navigation.
- Click on the elevateU tile to open the application in a new window.
Mobile Application
ElevateU is available on your mobile device with the Percipio App. After you download the app, type elevateU into the field and login with your MSU NetID and password.
MSU employees have access to additional learning libraries including,
- Coursera
- Ability (safety and compliance)
Other Related Links
- Request a team or department specific program here
- Learn more about Educational Assistance
- Learn more about Performance Excellence
- Organization and Professional Development Announcements
Contact Us