MSU Human Resources >> Policies-procedures >> Faculty-academic-staff >> Facility for Rare Isotope Beams/National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Faculty Positions


Facility for Rare Isotope Beams/National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory Faculty Positions

Last updated: 4/30/19

This document contains employment policies specifically related to employment as a FRIB/NSCL Faculty member (FRIB/NSCL Faculty) in the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams in multi-year fixed term appointments. This document does not replace or modify other existing University policies, which remain in effect for all University employees. In circumstances when the document is silent on an issue, the Laboratory adheres to the corresponding policy contained in the Faculty Handbook.

I. Definitions

A. "FRIB/NSCL Faculty" hold multi-year fixed term appointments and will normally be jointly appointed in the FRIB and an appropriate academic unit, e.g., Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering, etc., at the ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor.

B. "Laboratory Faculty" is the combined group of FRIB/NSCL Faculty and tenure system faculty who hold joint appointments in the FRIB and an academic unit.

II. Role and Responsibility

A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty are expected to make high quality contributions to research, teaching, student mentoring and service in support of the FRIB/NSCL mission and the teaching goals of their academic unit. The teaching load of FRIB/NSCL Faculty in their academic unit will normally be equal to the teaching load of the FRIB/NSCL tenure system faculty in the respective unit, thus reducing the average teaching load of the Laboratory faculty.

B. Research conducted by FRIB/NSCL Faculty is expected to be of excellent quality as determined by peer review and to be directed toward further enhancement of the national role of the FRIB and its long-term objectives.

C. FRIB/NSCL Faculty will participate in laboratory faculty meetings and will have the same voting rights as tenure system faculty at the FRIB.

D. FRIB/NSCL Faculty may act as senior investigators on sponsored research projects with approvals according to applicable University procedures and policies and may act as advisors to graduate students in thesis research.

E. Consistent with the Bylaws for Academic Governance, full time FRIB/NSCL Faculty who have served at least three consecutive years may be elected to an academic governance body, with the exception of the University Committee on Faculty Tenure, as a representative of any unit in which the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member holds a joint appointment.

F. The rights and responsibilities of FRIB/NSCL Faculty in their academic unit may vary and will be defined within the bylaws of the respective academic unit.

III. Appointment Basis

A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty are appointed on a full time, annual year (12 months) basis with salaries paid in 12 installments on the last working day of each month. An academic year (AY, 9 month) appointment may be recommended by the Laboratory Director based on program needs and the specific duties and responsibilities of the position. FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointed on an academic year basis are to be available for University duties from August 16 through May 15. The total AY appointment salary is paid over the duty period, on the last working day of each month.

B. Assistant Professors are appointed initially for a four-year fixed term and may be reappointed for a three-year fixed term. If not promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at the conclusion of the second fixed term appointment, the individual is ineligible for an additional reappointment.
An initial appointment as Associate Professor or Professor is normally for a fixed term of four years but may vary from 3 to 5 years as recommended by the Laboratory Director. The Laboratory Director may recommend a rolling fixed term five-year appointment for an initial appointment as Professor or as Associate Professor.  Upon promotion to Associate Professor or Professor, the appointment will be for a rolling fixed term five-year appointment.

IV. Annual Performance Review

A. The annual performance review of FRIB/NSCL Faculty will be conducted according to the Laboratory Faculty Annual Performance Review Procedure. The unit administrator conducting the performance evaluation will receive input from a Faculty Review Advisory Committee (FRAC). As applicable, the FRAC will also make a recommendation regarding continuation of a rolling fixed term appointment. Additionally, the unit administrator will seek advice from the Department Chair of the academic unit in which the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member holds a joint appointment or appropriate administrators in other units in which the faculty member has responsibilities.

V. Reappointment and/or Promotion Review

A. At the beginning of each academic year the Laboratory Director will request all FRIB/NSCL Faculty members at the rank of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor and all Professors without a rolling fixed term appointment to submit a file of materials in support of reappointment (for FRIB/NSCL faculty without a rolling fixed term appointment) and/or promotion. The materials are prepared according to written guidelines and must include the name of the senior faculty member who serves as the faculty mentor.

B. A Reappointment and Promotion Committee (RPC) is convened by the Laboratory Director and consists of all Laboratory Faculty at a rank higher than those FRIB/NSCL faculty under consideration for reappointment or promotion. For Professors, faculty of equal rank will constitute the RPC. The RPC reviews the status and progress of each FRIB/NSCL Faculty member under consideration (see A., above).  For Professors without a rolling appointment, the Laboratory Director has the option to form a subcommittee or to call for a vote by the RPC on reappointment for a rolling fixed term appointment of 5 years.

C. An RPC subcommittee must be formed to consider the reappointment and/or promotion of FRIB/NSCL faculty whose fixed term appointment will expire in two years. For others, an RPC subcommittee will be formed upon an affirmative vote of 25% or more of the RPC or by request of the Laboratory Director. Each RPC subcommittee will be composed of faculty members of higher rank than the candidate (equal rank for Professors), including three Laboratory faculty members and one additional member from the appropriate academic unit. In addition, the mentor of the FRIB/NSCL faculty member considered for reappointment or promotion will be a member of the subcommittee.

D. The RPC subcommittee informs the candidate in writing about its procedures, rules and guidelines. The criteria and standards for tenure system faculty in the respective academic unit should be considered taking into account that the major fraction of the appointment is held at FRIB/NSCL. The timeline for RPC actions should parallel that for tenure system faculty in the respective academic unit.

E. When an RPC subcommittee has completed its deliberations, a recommendation regarding reappointment or promotion will be provided to the RPC. A vote shall be taken by the RPC and its recommendation shall then be forwarded through line management successively to the Director and to the Provost or designee for appropriate action.

VI. Grievance Procedure

A. Any FRIB/NSCL Faculty member may initiate a grievance alleging a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of existing policies or established practices, applicable in a department of the Laboratory, the Laboratory as a whole, or the University. Informal resolution of a grievance must be attempted through discussion with appropriate Laboratory administrators, prior to initiating a formal grievance.

B. In the event that the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved informally, the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member may request resolution using the formal procedures specified for the FRIB/NSCL Continuing Appointment System.

VII. Expiration or Termination of Appointment

A. The University has no obligation to provide reappointment or extension of an FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointment beyond the current end date. Except in the case of dismissal for cause (see paragraph VII.D.), a written notice of at least 12 months will be provided prior to expiration or termination of the appointment.

B. In the event that the operation and research funds of the FRIB/NSCL are terminated or drastically cut it may be necessary to reduce or eliminate FRIB/NSCL Faculty positions. In this case and after review by the Provost or designee, FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointments may be allowed to expire at the end of their current term.

C. FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointments may be allowed to expire at the end of their current term for failure to meet the responsibilities as defined in Sections II.A. and II.B. The determination of inadequate performance will consider a period of at least two years. Based on the annual performance reviews, the Laboratory Director will ask for a recommendation by a majority of Laboratory Faculty who are of higher rank than the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member. For professors, Laboratory Faculty of equal rank will make the recommendation. The final decision is made by the Laboratory Director.

D. FRIB/NSCL Faculty may be dismissed immediately for cause including but not limited to (1) intellectual dishonesty; (2) acts of discrimination, including harassment, prohibited by law or University policy; (3) acts of moral turpitude substantially related to the fitness of faculty members to engage in teaching, research, service/outreach and/or administration; (4) theft or misuse of University property; (5) incompetence; (6) refusal to perform reasonable assigned duties; (7) use of professional authority to exploit others; (8) violation of University policy substantially related to performance of faculty responsibilities; and (9) violation of law(s) substantially related to the fitness of faculty members to engage in teaching, research, service/outreach and/or administration.  Dismissal for cause will follow Section 2.0 in the Procedures for the Dismissal of CA Staff for Cause.

VIII. Professional Development

A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of special conferences, seminars, colloquia, and other short-term activities and programs which will add to or update their professional knowledge and skills. Attendance at professional meetings and participation in programs which are held outside of the immediate geographic area require the approval of the appropriate FRIB Division Director and completion of Travel Authorization forms.

B. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties may be granted to FRIB/NSCL Faculty with six or more years of service to the University in order to enhance professional competency and for scholarly pursuit. Such activities are intended for the mutual benefit of the Laboratory, the University and the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member. The purpose is to encourage academic and institutional revitalization by providing sustained time for research/creative activities; development of new courses or programs; acquisition of expanded and/or new qualifications and skills; contribution to unit plans to improve and/or refocus instructional, research, or public service activities in accordance with the missions of the University. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties is not granted automatically and must be approved by the Laboratory Director in consultation with the Department Chair of the academic unit in which the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member holds a joint appointment. Extended release time must be requested in writing by the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member and directed to the Laboratory Director. Requests must include a detailed description of the purposes, objectives, and scholarly and research activities of the proposed extended release time. The plan should indicate how the objectives and accomplishments of the extended release time will advance the interests and capabilities of the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member for fulfilling the aims, objectives and goals of the Laboratory, academic unit, college and/or University. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties for more than six months requires approval of the Provost or designee. Funding for extended release time and assignment to scholarly duties is provided by the unit.

IX. General Conditions

Additional information on other aspects of employment for FRIB/NSCL Faculty is referenced or contained in the following appendix.

APPENDIX I - MSU Faculty Handbook References

The following references to the MSU Faculty Handbook apply to this document. The Faculty Grievance Policy, tenure policies and sabbatical leave of absence policy contained in the Faculty Handbook do not apply to FRIB/NSCL Faculty.

Section III University Policies 
All sections apply.

Section IV Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs Policies 
The following sections apply.

Health Assessment
Identification Cards
Jury Duty
Payroll Procedures
Leaves of Absence

  • Without Pay
  • Medical
  • Parental Leave
  • Family and Medical Leave
  • Military

Bridging Breaks in Service
Credit for Past Service
Participation in Partisan Political Activities
Study at MSU by Faculty Members
Course Fee Courtesy
Outside Work for Pay

Section V Instruction 
All sections apply.

Section VI Research and Creative Endeavor 
All sections apply.

Section VII Faculty and Academic Staff Retirement and Benefit Programs 
All sections apply.
