Current Address displays.
- Your Permanent residence address is required to be on file. You can make changes to this address by selecting the pencil, but cannot delete it.
Note: Student employees, Graduate Assistants, Undergraduate Assistants, and Professorial Assistants must update their address information within the Student Information System. The highest ranked SIS address becomes the Permanent residence/W-2 Address within the HR/Payroll System. The ranking of addresses is as follows: 1) Current Address 2) Housing Address 3) Alternative Mailing Address 4) Permanent Address. This is a requirement for all students and enables MSU to support you with your health and wellness, as well as your academic needs.
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Add an Address
- Select Add button
- Select the type of address:
- Permanent Residence
- Other Address
- Mailing address
You have the option to:
- Restrict an address and/or phone number from publication
- Enter an address to be:
- Valid as of Today (today’s’ date)
- Valid from ( future date)
- Valid From/To (specified period of time)
When complete, click the home icon, log out, or search for another application.