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Job Classifications

How to Search for a Job Classification

Search by Job Code:

  1. Enter the job code in the field labeled Job Code.  Click the “Go” button in the upper right-hand corner of the job search screen.
  2. Search results based on your entry will be presented below in the search results area.

Search by Classification Title:

  1. On the Classification Title field, click the look-up button at the end of the field. A new screen will appear.
  2. On the new screen, click on “Define Conditions”. 
    1. The search value will default to “contains” in the operator field.
    2. Click on the “Value” field and enter a word that is part of the title or titles you are searching for in the “Value” field. 
      1. When using the “contains” function in the operator field, the results will return any classification title that has the word(s) you entered, in the “Value” field, in any part of its title.  If you would like to search for a title by entering a word that the title begins with, the “contains” value can be changed to “starts with” by clicking the down arrow in the operator box.
    3. Click the “OK” button at the bottom of the screen.
    4. Your search parameter will now be returned to the home search screen for the job classification database. 
    5. Click the “Go” button in the upper right-hand corner of the job search screen.
    6. Search results based on your entry will be presented below in the search results area.

Search by Personnel Sub Area:

  1. Click the down-arrow on the Personnel Sub Area field.
  2. Select the Personnel Sub Area you would like to search by.
  3. Click the “Go” button in the upper right-hand corner of the job search screen.
  4. Search results based on your entry will be presented below in the search results area.
    **The Personnel Sub Areas of FAS, FED, GRAS, NONE, and OTEE will not produce any search results.  Job classifications associated with these personnel sub areas are not currently stored in the job classification database.

How to Filter, Sort, or Group Your Search Results

  1. Once your search results have been returned, click on the icon that is the picture of the gear at the top of the search results section. gear
  2. A new screen will appear.
  3. At the top of the new screen, click on either Sort, Filter or Group, depending on what function or combination of functions you would like to use.
  4. In each of these sections, a blank field will be presented with a drop-down arrow.
  5. Click the drop-down arrow to determine the field you would like to sort, filter or group by. Specifically, for the filter function, you can filter by a word that is “contained” or “starts with” by changing the operator field function.
  6. Multiple sorting and filtering criteria can be entered by clicking the “plus” button at the end of the row, on both the Sort and Filter functions.
  7. When the sort, filter, and group selections have been entered, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Your search results will now be sorted, filtered or grouped by your selection.

Viewing the Job Classification Detail

  1. On your search results, double click on the classification title you would like to view.
  2. A new screen will appear with the attributes and detail of the classification you selected.
  3. To view each section of the classification, you can navigate using one of the following methods:
    1. Use the scroll bar on the side of the screen to scroll down the length of the description.
    2. Click on each section of the classification which is listed across the top of the description.  The sections of the classification are the following:
      • Basic Function and Responsibility
      • Characteristic Duties – Responsibilities
      • Communications – Interpersonal Relationships
      • Responsibility for the Work of Others
      • Impact on Programs-Services-Operations
      • Work Environment
      • Education/Experience
      • Additional Qualifications
      • Creation Date
      • Revision Date (This will only show if a classification has been revised).
    3. Lastly, you can also navigate to each section by using the navigation drop-down.  This is the icon represented by three dots on the right-hand side above the description. 
  4. To exit the classification detail, click the left arrow at the top of the screen that is next to the header “Job Detail”.

To Print A Job Classification

  1. While viewing the classification detail screen, click the printer icon at upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. A printer selection screen will appear.
  3. Select the appropriate printer and click “Print”.