Adoption/Legal Guardianship
Personal Profile
- Verify Name and Address displayed on Personal Profile screen is accurate.
- If information is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
- Verify all Family Member/Dependents needed for enrollment appear and that the dependent information is correct.
- If a Family Member/Dependent is not listed, exit Benefit Enrollment and submit Add a Family Member or Dependent Form.
- If information for Family Member/Dependent(s) is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Benefits Summary
- Benefit Summary appears with view-only enrollment of current plans. This is informational only.
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Health Plans (Medical and Dental)
- If enrolled, current Medical and Dental plan elections will default. If no changes are required, click Next to continue to next screen and skip to the Health Plan Waiver section below.
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) to enroll in a health plan.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to enrollment of dependents.
- Click on the row with the plan, option and coverage level desired.
- Select checkbox for all dependents (if applicable) for which coverage is desired.
- Click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard changes.
- Repeat Steps 1-5 under the Health Plans (Medical and Dental) heading for all plans desired.
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Health Plan Waiver
- If enrolled in No Coverage Health Plan, click Add (sheet with plus sign) to enroll in the Health Plan Waiver.
- If enrolled in a health plan, click Next to continue.
- If not currently enrolled in Health Plan Waiver skip to the Savings Plans section below.
- If enrolled in health plan and need to remove health plan waiver, click Cancel (trash can) to remove plan and click Yes when asked ‘Do you want to cancel your enrollment in Health Waiver?’
- Click Select or click Cancel to discard changes.
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Savings Plans (This screen is only available if eligible for a Consumer Driven Health Plan)
- If eligible and enrolled in Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP), click Add (sheet with plus sign) to enroll in Health Savings Account.
- If not enrolled in CDHP, click Next to continue to the next screen and skip to the Flexible Spending Account section below.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled to change pre-tax percentage elected.
- Enter desired pre-tax percentage contribution and click Select.
- If no pre-tax percentage contribution is desired, leave as 0.00 and click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard election.
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) next to flexible spending account desired. Both Dependent Care and Health Care FSA’s are available, please choose accordingly.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled to increase annual amount elected.
- Click Next if not enrolled and do not want to make elections in a flexible spending account and skip to Life/Accident Plans below.
- Enter desired annual contribution and click Select.
- Repeat Steps 1-2 under the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) heading for each plan.
- Click Next to continue to next screen.
Life/Accident Plans
Basic Employer Paid Life (Basic ER Paid)
- Click Edit (pencil) to add or change beneficiary information.
- If no other Basic life/accident enrollment/changes are required skip to the Optional Employee Paid Life section below.
- Click Next to continue to next screen if no other life/accident enrollment/changes are required and skip to the Review and Save section below.
Optional Employee Paid Life (Opt EE Paid)
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) next to Opt EE Paid.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to increase level of coverage.
- Select Plan coverage level.
- Optionally, enter in Beneficiary information.
- Click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard changes.
- If Evidence of Insurability is required, read details provided on screen and click Close.
- Click Next to continue to next screen if no other life/accident enrollment/changes are required and skip to the Review and Save section below.
Optional Spouse Life (Opt Spouse Life)
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) next to Opt Spouse Life.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to increase level of coverage.
- Select Plan coverage level.
- If selecting $10,000, no unit information is required, click Select and skip to Step 1 under the Optional Child Life (Opt Child Life) heading.
- If electing $25K-$200K, enter in number of units in Additional Unit box (allowed options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8).
- Optionally, click Calculate to display total insurance coverage based on units entered.
- Click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard changes.
- If Evidence of Insurability is required, read details provided on screen and click Close.
- Click Next to continue to next screen if no other life/accident enrollment/changes are required and skip to the Review and Save section below.
Optional Child Life (Opt Child Life)
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) next to Opt Child Life.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to increase level of coverage.
- Select Plan coverage level.
- Enter in number of units in Additional Unit box (allowed options 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5).
- Optionally, click Calculate to display total insurance coverage based on units entered.
- Click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard changes.
- If Evidence of Insurability is required, read details provided on screen and click Close.
- Click Next to continue to next screen if no other life/accident enrollment/changes are required and skip to the Review and Save section below.
Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
- Click Add (sheet with plus sign) next to AD&D.
- Click Edit (pencil) if already enrolled and would like to increase level of coverage.
- Select Plan coverage level.
- Optionally, enter in Beneficiary information.
- Click Select.
- Click Cancel to discard changes.
- Click Next to continue to next screen if no other life/accident enrollment/changes are required.
Review and Save
- Review information provided regarding Inactive Plans, Unchanged Plans, Plans to be Added, Plans to be Removed, and/or Plans to be Changed to validate enrollment is as expected.
- Click Save.
- Optionally, navigate to any previous screen to make any changes prior to clicking save.
Final Screen
- Review information provided on Benefit Elections Summary
- Review Benefit Confirmation Statement that has been emailed.
- Optionally, click on Print Benefit Elections Summary to view Benefit Confirmation Statement.
- Optionally, click on Restart Enrollment to go back through enrollment and make any changes.
- Optionally, click on Go to Participation Overview to view a current benefit participation overview.
- Optionally, click on MSU Benefits Plus to enroll in non-MSU administered voluntary employee-paid benefit programs offered through payroll deduction.
- Optionally, click on Personal Profile to make changes to address.
- Optionally, click on Retirement/Health Savings Account to make enroll and/or make changes retirement plans.
When complete, click Home (house), log out, or search for another application.
How do I navigate through enrollment?
Enrollment uses what we call road map technology and walks employees through step by step. You may navigate through enrollment by clicking the Next and Previous buttons or by clicking directly on the screen number desired.
My Name is listed incorrectly. How do I update this information?
If your name is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or
My Address is listed incorrectly. How do I update this information?
If your address is inaccurate, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or or update via your Personal Profile upon completion of enrollment.
Why do I see my divorced spouse listed as a dependent?
All dependents on record are listed in enrollment under Family Members/Dependents. If you have not reported your divorce, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or to change the status of your spouse to a divorced spouse. If you have reported your divorce, your divorced spouse will still appear since they are still on your record for rights for continuation of health coverage under COBRA.
I do not see my dependent listed. How do I add a dependent?
To add a dependent, you must submit the Add Dependent Form. To initiate the Add Dependent Form, click Launch Add Dependent Form in the upper right hand corner or utilize search box. Once your Add Dependent Form has been approved, they will appear as a dependent and will be able to be selected to add to your coverage.
My dependent is displayed but is not covered on my plan?
This application displays a comprehensive list of all dependents on record and is not an indication of benefit enrollment status for these individuals. Based on eligibility requirements, the dependents displayed appear in benefit enrollment for selection. Status of enrollment for dependents is available on the Benefit Summary screen and will be defaulted in when making changes to plans.
I am not currently enrolled in health plans, why does it show that I am not enrolled in the Health Waiver, why?
The Health Waiver Plan is not automatically selected and must be elected on the Health Plan Waiver screen of enrollment.
I elected the Health Plan Waiver and received a pop-up stating ‘This plan is only available in combination with other plans. You must enroll in No Health Coverage.’ How do I this?
You may enroll in No Health Coverage by clicking on the No Health Coverage link within the pop-up and clicking on Select.
Why do I not see Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) as an option for enrollment?
The CDHP plan is eligible for faculty/academic staff and non-union support staff employees. The CDHP and corresponding Health Savings Account (HSA) will only appear for those eligible for the plan.
What is a Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP) and Health Savings Plan (HSA)?
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is an account created for individuals covered under high-deductible health plans (such as MSU’s CDHP Plan) to save for medical expenses. Contributions are made into the account by the individual and/or the individual's employer and are limited to a maximum amount each year. The contributions are invested over time and can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses, which include most medical care such as dental, vision and over-the-counter drugs. More information regarding MSU’s health savings plan can be found at
I am enrolled in the Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP), why is it showing that I am not enrolled in the Health Savings Account (HSA)?
The HSA plan is not automatically selected and must be elected on the Savings Plan screen. IRS regulations state you are eligible to enroll in a Health Savings Account if you meet the conditions below:
You must be covered by an HSA qualified high deductible health plan (Such as MSU CDHP administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield);
You cannot be covered by another non-high deductible medical plan (a major medical plan) or a high-deductible plan that is not compliant with IRS rules regarding HSAs;
You cannot be covered by a health care flexible spending account;
You cannot be covered by Medicare (Part A, B or D) and
You cannot be claimed as a dependent on another individual’s tax return.
Note: You cannot receive an employer contribution or contribute to your HSA plan as long as you have remaining funds in a health care flexible spending account until the end of the FSA grace period, currently April 30th.
I received the error ‘Employee is not enrolled in all required plans for CDHP Health Equity – HSA’. How do I correct this?
Employees may only be enrolled in a HSA plan if they are also enrolled in the CDHP plan. If you want to continue in the HSA plan, you need to elect the CDHP plan on the Health Plan screen.
I received a pop-up when enrolling in a Health FSA that it is only allowed with certain plans. How do I correct this?
Employees are not eligible to enroll in a Health FSA if they are enrolled in the CDHP plan. To enroll in the Health FSA, you need to select a plan other than CDHP or No Health Coverage. If you do not want to remove CDHP plan, you need to remove the Health FSA plan.
I received an error ‘Employee is not enrolled in all required plans for CONEXIS – Health FSA’ when enrolling in a Health FSA’. How do I correct this?
Employees are not eligible to enroll in a Health FSA if they are enrolled in the CDHP plan. To enroll in the Health FSA, you need to select a plan other than CDHP or No Health Coverage. If you do not want to remove CDHP plan, you need to remove the Health FSA plan.
I have a Sponsor Dependent Rider (SD Rider)/Family Continuation Rider (FC Rider) but it will not allow me to select or remove them on my health plan.
When an employee has a SD Rider and/or FC Rider on their record, enrollment is automatic (no selection is required/allowed). If they appear, they are covered on your health plan. If you would like to remove them, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or
I received a pop-up that the coverage level requested for life insurance requires Evidence of Insurability (E of I), why?
E of I is required for certain levels of coverage. You will receive instructions on what to submit to determine of approval of coverage within 5-7 business days. For more information regarding please visit
I cannot find family coverage for Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)?
Coverage levels for AD&D are listed by coverage level for Employee (EE) coverage and then for Family coverage. You must scroll down past EE coverage levels to find family coverage levels.
What does Inactive Plans mean?
Inactive plans are plans that an employee is eligible for but are not enrolled in.