MSU Human Resources >> Ebshelp >> Help Me Choose Which Report

Help Me Choose Which report

Choosing a Report

The descriptions below will help guide you through which report to use in the EBS Portal. Keep in mind that security drives which reports are available to you individually. So, if you don't have either a Unit Administrator or the Unit Time Administrator role, you will not have all reports.

Reports Available

ACA Time Report

The ACA Time Report calculates an average of hours paid, not worked, between the applicable measurement period and a key date (reporting period). The report is designed to display time data for an employee at the person-level, not for a single assignment. This means that if an employee has multiple assignments in various departments over the measurement period, the report will show a total average of paid hours across all of the assignments that existed during the reporting period.

Employee Accounting String Distribution

Displays the list of employees with accounting string information.

Employee Information

This gives detailed information about employees throughout their employment at MSU. It also incorporates the former end date report.

Employee Work Schedule

Display an employees work schedule rule details.

HR Forms Workflow Report

This Report is used to track and monitor forms through the approval process.

Labor Distribution

Payroll Expense Report used to reconcile payroll salary and fringe benefit charges.

Overtime Premium Hours

Displays the distribution of hours for overtime premium.

Paid Medical Leave

Tells you who is eligible in your department and the date they become eligible. Supervisors are responsible for notifying newly eligible employees of this new benefit.

Pay Change and & Cost Redistribution Activity

The Pay Change and Cost Redistribution Activity report is designed to track all pay rate/salary changes and cost redistributions and provide details of the transactions.

Pay Changes Initiated by HR

View mass increase updates (i.e. APL, CTU, etc.) processed by MSU Human Resources and/or pay changes processed by the department.

Position Details & Relationships

Reporting Relationships is used to set up a supervisor for a position which gives the supervisor the ability to:

  • Enter and approve time for the position
  • Complete performance appraisals for the position
  • Approve Course bookings for the position

Additionally, substitutes may be set up for a supervisor.  Substitute designation gives the ability to act on the behalf of the supervisor.  Therefore, substitutes may:

  • Enter and approve time for the position
  • Approve Course bookings for the position

Unit Administrators and Unit Time Administrators are able to view and/or edit reporting relationships by employee, supervisor or substitute.  The relationship change can be made anywhere from today’s date up to 30 days in advance on active positions only. 

Position Details by Organizational Unit

This Report displays the details and information of filled and vacant positions.

Recorded Time Entries for Unit

Displays the recorded time for the employees with the current processing status.

Reminder of Dates

The Reminder of Dates report provides the ability to view important, non-confidential, administrative dates for the past, present, and future of an employee. This report can be run for one employee, several employees, or an entire organizational unit.

Time Recorded by Fund

Displays the accounting distribution for the hours recorded by employee.

Time Usage & Quota Balance

View quota summary and time usage (including FMLA related time) by employee. This report must be run in one month intervals.

Can be run for individual Employees, entire Org unit, other selection criteria (personnel subarea, employee subgroup) or by quota type. You have different options of displaying the summary, detail, or FMLA report output.

Work Schedules Catalog

Displays the work schedule catalog based on the selection criteria. 
