SUmmary page - HRP987

The Support Staff Salary Changes report provides two lists of support staff who have had a salary change within the date range and organization or department selected. 

Reports generated:
  • Actions and Salary Changes.  Contains a list of  active, inactive, or withdrawn AP, APSA or CT (and FOPK) staff as the date selected with a salary change action within the date range specified.   The report includes annual salary, FTE salary, action start date and salary change action and reason.
  • Multi-Year Annual Salaries.  Contains a list of active, inactive, or withdrawn AP, APSA or CT (and FOPK) staff as the date selected and their annual salaries for the current and previous five years.  The report includes job title and pay scale level.

TIP:  Select the Run As button (top left corner) and select Run Excel.  The reports will be in separate tabs within the spreadsheet. 

Below is an example of the Actions and Salary Changes report and the data columns provided.  Select Data Definitions under Quicklinks for a list of the data column definitions.

HRP987 report

Report columns:

HRP987 report columns


Below is an example of the Multi-Year Annual Salaries report and the data columns provided.  Select Data Definitions under Quicklinks for a list of the data column definitions.

HRP987 report