Data Definitions (HRP1166)

The data columns used in the Union Seniority Report are defined on this page.

  1. Personnel Subarea Code:  A further breakdown of the Personnel Area.  The principal organization aspects of HR are controlled at this level, including work schedules, pay scales, public holiday calendar, and wage types.  
  2. Professional Name:  The employee’s professional name as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  3. Legal Name:  The employee’s legal name as indicated in the HR/Payroll system. 
  4. Job Title:  The employee’s primary job title or classification in which the employee is assigned. 
  5. Seniority Date:  The employee’s seniority date as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
  6. Organization Code:  The primary college or MAU code in which the employee is assigned.  
  7. Organization Name:  The primary college or MAU name in which the employee is assigned. 
  8. Department Code:  The primary department code in which the employee is assigned. 
  9. Department Name:  The primary department name in which the employee is assigned.  
  10. Sub-Org Code:  The sub-org code in which the employee is assigned (if applicable).  
  11. Sub-Org Name:  The sub-org name in which the employee is assigned (if applicable).
  12. Pay Scale Level:  The number level signifying range of possible pay assigned to the employee’s job title or classification.
  13. Pay Rate:  The employee’s hourly pay rate.  
  14. Retirement Eligibility Date:  The first day of employment in a benefits eligible position where the employee is earning credit (time and FTE service months) toward meeting one of the two minimum retirement requirements.