Summary page - hrp1066

The Salary Comparison Report (HRP1066) provides users summary data for a particular job title or classification for the criteria selected on the prompt page. The report displays the average, median, minimum and maximum FTE salary, average years in service and time in level, and total incumbents by pay scale level and job title or classification.

Below is an example of the Salary Comparison summary report.  Select Data Definitions under Quicklinks for a list of the data column definitions.

Summary 1

Select the Job Title or a slice from the rose chart to "drill down" to related data for a specific job title or classification to see individual employee detail across university organizations.  The summary report will remain open in the same tab in which it was launched and can be accessed by navigating back to that tab. 

Dynamic Filter:

Users can take advantage of the additional filtering function to perform analysis while staying within the report. The report provides an option to filter report results by Job Title without backing out of the report.

      Job Title Filter


A rose chart provides a visual representation of the amount of individuals by years of service, within the job title(s) or classification(s) selected.

Summary 3