403(b) Base Retirement Program Contribution Limits
The 403(b) Base Retirement Program (BRP) is part of a non-qualified defined contribution plan. Contribution limits are:
- When enrolled, you contribute 5% of your base salary.
- You may not elect to contribute an amount other than 5%.
- You may be contributing to the BRP on either a voluntary or a mandatory basis.
- If you are contributing to the BRP on a voluntary basis, this can impact your 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP) contributions. Refer to the 403(b) SRP Contribution Limits for additional information.
- Employees hired on or after 1/1/96 are subject to Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code. This limit prohibits employees and employers from making retirement plan contributions on the amount of annual salary in excess of the annual IRS limit, which is $350,000 for 2025.