MSU Human Resources >> Benefits >> Long-term-disability >> Long Term Disability FAQs

Long-term disability faqs

You can begin the process by contacting New York Life either by calling 1.888.842.4462 or online at

Yes, you must be placed off work by your treating physician and there is an 180 day waiting period before LTD goes into effect, this waiting period starts on your first day off work.

Yes, you must exhaust all quotas if applying for LTD.

If you are Support Staff and have at least 60 FTE's, you may be eligible to apply for Extended Disability Leave (EDL). If approved, your salary will continue through the 180-day waiting period.

If you are receiving pay from the university whether by quotas or through EDL, your insurances are continued. If you are not being paid you will be billed for your insurances unless covered under FMLA.
While on LTD you will receive sixty percent of your base wages on the last day you work.
If your total disability starts before the age of 60, benefits will continue until the age of 65, recover, or death, whichever occurs first. If total disability starts on or after age 60 but less than 65, benefits will continue for 4 ½ years, recover or death, whichever occurs first. If total disability starts on or after age 65 but less than 69, benefits continue to age 70, recovery or death, whichever occurs first. If total disability starts at age 69 or over, benefits continue for one year, recovery or death, whichever occurs first.
With the effective date of LTD, you start a 2 year leave; during this leave you will continue to accrue time towards retirement only.
It will depend on your years of services and age at the point of termination after the 2-year leave.
If it is during the 2-year leave, we will make every effort to place you in a position similar to what you vacated. If it is after the 2-year leave, you must re-apply through MSU Human Resources.