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Support Staff Hiring Process 

The documents below are intended to guide you through the Support Staff hiring process.

Policy and Procedure

Interviewing Policy and Questions

Hire Action Definitions

The hire action definitions listed below are applicable to union and non-union positions: 

Hire: New to MSU, returning former employee or temp/on-call hired into a support staff position.

Transfer:  Internal employee moving laterally within the same union and level or moving to another union at the same level.

Promotion:  Internal employee moving to a higher level position within the same union or moving to another union at a higher level.

Demotion:  Internal employee moving to a lower level position within the same union or moving to another union at a lower level.

Change Position:  (Internal Employee SAP Processes Only)

  • When an internal employee moves bargaining groups: TOC/Student/Grads to FAS or Support Staff/ When moving to a benefit eligible position.
  • Used for bypass/layoffs/discretionary returns/bumping rights/failed trial periods: (reason = other).