MSU Human Resources >> Ua >> Recognition >> Faculty-academic-staff >> Out of Cycle Base Salary Increases

Out of cycle base salary increases

Effective September 1, 2011, revised January 1, 2016 


This policy applies to full-time and part-time faculty, academic staff, executive managers and academic administrators.


Salary increases for faculty and academic staff are generally effective on October 1 each year, based upon the University budget guidelines approved by the MSU Board of Trustees.  Salary increases are based on merit (i.e., performance) for all faculty and academic staff, including fixed term teaching faculty/academic staff represented by the Union of Nontenure-track Faculty (UNTF). The MSU budget guidelines also may include market adjustment funds administered at the Provost and/or College level. Market adjustments, within the structure of the guidelines, are also generally effective October 1.

Any adjustment made outside of October 1 is considered out of cycle. In the overwhelming majority of cases, any adjustment made to a salary is to be effective October 1, including retention-based adjustments. Where there is a circumstance that requires a pay adjustment at a time other than October 1, units should first consider a lump sum (i.e. non-base) payment.

The rare cases that might warrant implementation of out of cycle salary adjustments include:

  1. Significant change in duties and responsibilities, sometimes as a result of a unit reorganization,

  2. Support of the retention of MSU faculty and academic staff

  3. Need to rectify a salary problem, e.g. error was made during the merit salary adjustment, or there is a need to address a salary equity concern brought to the attention of the unit.

Fixed term faculty and academic staff begin their MSU employment on various dates spread throughout the year.  For non-union fixed term and academic staff, salary adjustments may be made at the time of their reappointment where doing so is more effective and/or efficient for the unit.

Required Approval

  1. Out of cycle base salary increases require approval (a) by the immediate supervisor; (b) by the administrator of the major administrative unit ("MAU") in which that individual is appointed; and (c) by the Office of the Provost.

  2. All proposals for out of cycle salary increases must include a statement of justification for approval by the Office of the Provost.


Unit administrators must submit a change in pay using the Pay Rate Change function in the EBS portal. Supporting documentation including a statement of justification must be attached.
