Forms tips and tricks
Applies to
Temporary or On-Call Posting form and Temporary and On-Call Hiring forms.
Required Fields
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Available search criteria change from one field to the next, but here are some general tips on searching for and selecting information. Be aware that words may be abbreviated.
Initial Screen
To sort items in a list or table
- Click on the column heading.
- If necessary, ascending or descending order.
To search for an item
- If search fields are not visible, click the More Values button.
- Enter search criteria in one or more fields, using the asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
- Click the Search button. A list of matching results appears.
Form Body
To sort items in a list or table
- Sort is not available in the form.
To search for an item
- If search fields are not visible, click the More Values button.
- Enter search criteria in one or more fields, partial values are acceptable with or without the asterisk (*) wildcard.
- Click the Search button. A list of matching results appears.
When you reach the step where documents are attached.
To upload an attachment
- Select the Attachment Type from the list provided.
- Click the + Plus button to browse and select the attachment or drag and drop the file into the attachment section.
Repeat this process for each additional attachment.
To delete an attachment
- Click the X icon to the right of the attachment you wish to delete.
Acknowledgement Section
This section replaces what used to be informational messages that would have appeared with the errors on the older form formats. These are not errors, but reminders or notes that may be relevant based on the data entered. For example, if hiring a new employee, you see an I9 reminder. Click check box next to the fields to confirm you have read the message. Confirmation of informational messages in this section is required to complete and submit the form.
Error Messages
In general, error messages will appear in a tray the lower left-hand corner of the screen. Errors are triggered by clicking the "Send" button. The tray can be collapsed by clicking on the X icon within the tray itself. Once closed the tray can be reopened by double clicking on the error number next to the message icon.
Fields containing errors will be highlighted in red once the error has been triggered.
Additional error messages might appear in table searches (e.g. funding). These errors will appear in the search pop up if required data is missing. The missing fields will be highlighted in red.
At all points during the form process you can download a PDF version of the form for your own use. Simply click the Download PDF button. The PDF version of the form opens in a new window and can be saved or printed.
To save a draft of a form and finish later, click the Save Draft button. The form will close at this point and a draft will appear in your in your HR/Payroll Inbox.
If a Save Draft button is not available, the form cannot be saved as a draft at that point. In some cases, you may need to get to a certain point in the process before the form can be saved as a draft. For example, when hiring a temp/on-call, you cannot save as a draft while creating the position. Only when you reach the point of saving the hiring information can you save as a draft.
Instructions and Tips for Specific Sections and Fields
Employee Search
If you search for a person who has already been hired by the University, information regarding their prior employment appears. When using Internet Explorer with a maximized screen, the scroll bars do not always appear, cutting off the Short Text for the Organizational Unit information. To remedy this and see all the information, minimize the window and then maximize it again.
To search for a supervisor
- Click the look up icon.
- Enter search criteria in the boxes provided, correct capitalization and wild cards (*) are not necessary.
- Click the Go button to view search results.
- Select an option by clicking the row.
When selecting a supervisor, you are selecting a position that supervises the position being created. The relationship is position to position, not person to person. (If a supervisor took a new job, that person’s former direct reports would not continue to report to the outgoing supervisor. They would report to the incoming supervisor.).
The search will only return valid supervisors for the position as of the form’s effective date. If you are not able to find a desired position it may be because it is not valid to supervise or is not valid as of the effective date.
Work Locations
When identifying a work location, press Enter after entering the Location ID (this is not the same as the FAMIS building number) to populate address fields and see a valid range of room numbers for that location. If a valid room number range is available, enter a valid room number before moving to the next step. Alpha characters are allowed, though they do not appear in room number range.
You can also enter the Location ID directly. You do not have to type the leading zeros.
If the employee is working off campus, select the drop-down value indicating this and then select the off-campus location in the new field that appears. An Administrative Address is still required. If the off-campus and Administrative Address (location of where employee business mail should be received) are the same, select the same location in both fields.
Contact Information
The Administrative Address and Actual Work Location phone number(s) must be entered in the format +1AAANNNNNNNxEEEEE (+15173533121x534), as follows. This format is required in order for data to be displayed correctly via the portal or through the data to be displayed correctly via the portal or through the data warehouse. This format is only required for the Actual Work Location phone number.
This text: | Is: | For example: |
+1 | Always required | +1 |
AAA | The area code | 517 |
NNNNNNN | The phone number | 35331231 |
xEEEEE | The extension, if any | x534 |
When selecting from a State drop-down list, pressing the first letter of the state (or territory) name cycles to the next state beginning with that letter. For example, pressing M the first-time results in Maine, the second time in Maryland, and so on.
For Emergency Contact Information, First Name is a required field. If the emergency contact does not have a first name then enter “NA” for the first name and enter a comment indicating that the emergency contact does not have a first name. HR can make the appropriate adjustments when approving the form.
Pay and Cost
Funding search results have been limited to those fund valid for the form. If you are searching for a value and it is not appearing it is likely not a valid fund for the position (e.g. fund is closed.) Note that WBS Element (sub-account) and Functional Area (Org. Ref. ID) are both required for all funds. If no value is entered they will default, WBS Element (sub-account) defaults to “No_Sub-Account” and Functional Area (Org. Ref ID) defaults to “99999999.”