SUmmary page - IPF004

The IPF Shop and Crew Summary by Employee Type report provides users with a summary of active and inactive employees within the IPF organization. 

Two reports are created, Shop and Crew, and are sorted by Resource Type Code-Name and Personnel Subarea Code.

TIP:  Select the Run As button (top left corner) and select Run Excel.  The reports will be in separate tabs within the spreadsheet.

Below is an example of the IPF Shop summary and the data columns provided.  Select Data Definitions under Quicklinks for a list of the data column definitions.

IPF004 report

Report columns:

IPF004 report columns


Below is an example of the IPF Crew summary and the data columns provided.  Select Data Definitions under Quicklinks for a list of the data column definitions.

IPF004 report

Report columns:

IPF004 report columns