Report Prompts (HRP1154)

When running the Staff Counts report, users will be presented prompts to identify parameters and sets of data to be included in the report results.

Prompt #1: Select the 'As of Date' (required)

Select the employment status 'As of Date' for the search.   Data will pull as of the date selected and defaults to today’s date.  A previous date or future date may also be selected.  This prompt is required.

                                                screenshot of Select As of Date prompt

Prompt #2: Select Cancel or Next (required)

Select Next to continue or Cancel to cancel the request.

                                              Screenshot of select Next or Cancel prompt

Prompt #3aSelect Organizations(s)

Select which Organization (MAU) codes to display in the report. Options presented in this selection box will depend on the user's access. To select multiple organizations, hold down the Control Key while you make your selections. If no Organization or Department selection are indicated, the report will display all data for all units the user has access to.

screenshot of select organization prompt

Prompt #3b: Select Department(s)/Sub-Org(s)

To select specific department(s)/sub-org(s) reporting to the MAU, highlight the Organization (MAU) and click on the Reprompt button, the department/sub-orgs reporting to the organization will be displayed in which the user has access to. To select multiple departments/sub-orgs, hold down the Control key while making your selections.

screenshot of select departments prompt


Select Finish to run the report.