Data Definitions (HRP1117)

The data columns used in the Faculty, Academic Staff and Executive Management List are defined on this page.  Report is broken down by Work Contract type, i.e., Tenure/Continuing and Fixed Term.  If both types are selected in the report prompts, two reports are created.  The first report is for Tenure/Continuing staff and the second is for Fixed Term staff.  

  1. Organization Code:  The primary college or MAU code in which the employee is assigned.
  2. Organization Name:  The primary college or MAU name in which the employee is assigned.
  3. Department Code:  The primary department code in which the employee is assigned.
  4. Department Name:  The primary department name in which the employee is assigned.
  5. Sub-Org Code:  The primary sub-org code in which the employee is assigned.
  6. Sub-Org Name:  The primary sub-org name in which the employee is assigned.
  7. Personnel Number:  An HR/Payroll system generated number linking a person to their assignment.
  8. Last Name:  The professional last name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  9. First Name:  The professional first name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  10. Middle Name:  The professional middle name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  11. Employment Status:  The employee’s employment status as of the date selected in the report prompts.  
  12. Job Code:  The employee’s primary job code in which the employee is assigned.  
  13. Job Title:  The employee’s primary job title or classification in which the employee is assigned.
  14. Assignment Type Name:  The employee’s assignment type, i.e., Adjunct, Clinical, Visiting, Emeritus, Interim, Acting, if applicable.  
  15. Dept Also Reports to 2 Code-Name:  The second department code and name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  16. Dept Also Reports to 3 Code-Name:  The third department code and name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  17. Dept Also Reports to 4 Code-Name:  The fourth department code and name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  18. Dept Also Reports to 5 Code-Name:  The fifth department code and name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  19. Personnel Subarea Code:  The HR/Payroll system code for personnel subarea.  Personnel subarea is a further breakdown of the Personnel Area.  The principal organization aspects of HR are controlled at this level, including work schedules, pay scales, public holiday calendar, and wage types. 
  20. Employee Group Name:  Union, Non-Union, Non-Employee/No Pay.  The employee group allows you to divide your employees into groups and allows you to define their relationship to the enterprise.  It classifies employees into general groups for processing of Payroll, Time, and Benefits.
  21. Employee Subgroup Name:  A further breakdown of Employee Group. All control features of the Personnel Structure are defined at the Employee Subgroup level.
  22. Employment Percent:  The percent of employment the employee is working.
  23. FTE Salary:  The employee’s base salary for a full year at 100% employment.
  24. Administrative Increment:  A dollar amount would be shown if the employee received an Administrative Increment.  
  25. Action Start Date:  The effective date of the action(s) selected for the search on the employee record.  
  26. Action Reason Name:  The reason why the action was entered on the employee record in the HR/Payroll system.  
  27. Ethnicity:  The employee’s race/ethnicity as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  28. Gender:  The employee’s gender as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  29. *** Primary Assignment End Date:  The date the primary assignment is to end.  
  30. *** UNTF Percent:  The employee’s current UNTF percent.
  31. Hire Date:  The date the employee was hired for the position.  
  32. ** Probation Expiration Date:  Indicates the date the employee’s probation expiration date.  
  33. ** Next Review Date:  Indicates the date the employee’s next review date is due. 
  34. ** Status Name:  Indicates the employee’s tenure status.  
  35. ** Tenure Cont Granting Dept: Indicates the department code that granted the employee tenure/continuing status.  
  36. ** Tenure Cont Status Granted Date:  Indicates the date the department granted the employee tenure/continuing status. 
  37. ** Date of Entry Promo to Cur Rnk:  Indicates the date the employee was promoted to current rank.  
  38. ** Most Recent Sabbatical Leave Start Date:  Indicates the date the employee’s most recent sabbatical started.  
  39. ** Sabbatical Leave Return Date:  Indicates the date the employee returned from sabbatical leave.
  40. Base Appointment Account Number:  The finance system account number allocated to funding of position.  
  41. Base Appointment Account Name:  The finance system account name allocated to funding of position.
  42. Base Appointment Organization Code:  The organization code assigned to the base appointment account number/name.  
  43. Base Appointment Organization Name:  The organization name assigned to the base appointment account number/name.
  44. Base Appointment Fund Percentage:  The fund percentage assigned to the base appointment account number/name.  
  45. Email Address:  The employee’s MSU email address (  
  46. Supervisor Name:  The employee’s supervisor as indicated in EBS.  
  47. Assignment 2 Name:  The employee’s second assignment job title in which the employee is assigned.  
  48. Assignment Type 2 Name:  The employee’s second assignment type, i.e., Adjunct, Clinical, Visiting, Emeritus, Interim, Acting.
  49. Assignment 2 Org 1 Code-Name:   The primary department code and name assigned to the employee’s second assignment.    
  50. Assignment 2 Org 2 Code-Name:  The secondary department code and name assigned to the employee’s second assignment.
  51. Assignment 2 Org 3 Code-Name:  The third department code and name assigned to the employee’s second assignment.
  52. Assignment 2 Org 4 Code-Name:  The fourth department code and name assigned to the employee’s second assignment.
  53. Assignment 2 Org 5 Code-Name:  The fifth department code and name assigned to the employee’s second assignment.
  54. Assignment 3 Name:  The employee’s third assignment job title in which the employee is assigned.
  55. Assignment Type 3 Name:  The employee’s third assignment type, i.e., Adjunct, Clinical, Visiting, Emeritus, Interim, Acting.
  56. Assignment 3 Org 1 Code-Name:  The primary department code and name assigned to the employee’s third assignment.
  57. Assignment 3 Org 2 Code-Name:  The secondary department code and name assigned to the employee’s third assignment.
  58. Assignment 3 Org 3 Code-Name:  The third department code and name assigned to the employee’s third assignment.
  59. Assignment 3 Org 4 Code-Name:  The forth department code and name assigned to the employee’s third assignment.
  60. Assignment 3 Org 5 Code-Name:  The fifth department code and name assigned to the employee’s third assignment.
  61. Assignment 4 Name:  The employee’s fourth assignment job title in which the employee is assigned.
  62. Assignment Type 4 Name:  The employee’s fourth assignment type, i.e., Adjunct, Clinical, Visiting, Emeritus, Interim, Acting.
  63. Assignment 4 Org 1 Code-Name:  The primary department code and name assigned to the employee’s fourth assignment.
  64. Assignment 4 Org 2 Code-Name:  The secondary department code and name assigned to the employee’s fourth assignment.
  65. Assignment 4 Org 3 Code-Name:  The third department code and name assigned to the employee’s fourth assignment.
  66. Assignment 4 Org 4 Code-Name:  The fourth department code and name assigned to the employee’s fourth assignment.
  67. Assignment 4 Org 5 Code-Name:  The fifth department code and name assigned to the employee’s fourth assignment.
  68. Assignment 5 Name:  The employee’s fifth assignment job title in which the employee is assigned.
  69. Assignment Type 5 Name:  The employee’s fifth assignment type, i.e., Adjunct, Clinical, Visiting, Emeritus, Interim, Acting.
  70. Assignment 5 Org 1 Code-Name:  The primary department code and name assigned to the employee’s fifth assignment.
  71. Assignment 5 Org 2 Code-Name:  The secondary department code and name assigned to the employee’s fifth assignment.
  72. Assignment 5 Org 3 Code-Name:  The third department code and name assigned to the employee’s fifth assignment.
  73. Assignment 5 Org 4 Code-Name:  The fourth department code and name assigned to the employee’s fifth assignment.
  74. Assignment 5 Org 5 Code-Name:  The fifth department code and name assigned to the employee’s fifth assignment.

** Data columns are only available in the Tenure/Continuing report.  

*** Data columns are only available in the Fixed Term report.