Data Definitions (HRP1105)

The data columns used in the Probationary Tenure System Appointments report are defined on this page.  

The report is sorted by Organization Code-Name, Department Code-Name, Professional Last Name, Professional First Name, Professional Middle Name and Task Date. 

  1. Organization Code-Name:   The primary college or MAU in which the employee is assigned.
  2. Department Code-Name:  The primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  3. Primary Assignment Also Reports to 2:  The second department name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  4. Primary Assignment Also Reports to 3:  The third department name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  5. Primary Assignment Also Reports to 4:  The fourth department name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  6. Primary Assignment Also Reports to 5:  The fifth department name related to the primary department in which the employee is assigned.
  7. Personnel Number:  An HR/Payroll system generated number linking a person to an assignment. A person with concurrent employment will have multiple PERNRs but only one PERSID.
  8. Professional Last Name:  The last name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  9. Professional First Name:   The first name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  10. Professional Middle Name:  The middle name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  11. Employee Subgroup:  The employee subgroup in which the employee is assigned. All control features of the Personnel Structure are defined at the Employee Subgroup level including specific payroll calculations for hourly or salaried employees, work schedules, and benefit groupings.
  12. Date Entered Tenure Cont System:  Indicates the Date the department initially entered the employee into the tenure / continuing system.
  13. Job Code:   The employee's primary job code in which the employee is assigned.
  14. Job Title:  The employee's primary job title or classification based on the job code in which the employee is assigned.
  15. Residence Status:  The employee’s residence status as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  16. Gender:  The employee’s gender as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  17. Ethnicity:  The employee’s ethnicity as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
  18. Continuous Service Date:  The employee’s employment start date.
  19. Task Type:  Indicates the Task type in process for the employee.  
  20. Task Date:  Indicates the date the Task is due.  
  21. Reminder Date:  Indicates the date a reminder will be sent to the organization regarding the upcoming task.  
  22. Processing Indicator Name:  Indicates the status of the task.  
  23. Time in Level Date:  Indicates the date employee was assigned to their current position.
  24. Years in Present Rank:  Indicates the number of years the employee has been in their current position.
  25. Employment Status:  The employee’s employment status as of the date the report was generated.  
  26. Normal Outcome:  The outcome is based on the employee’s Faculty Rank code, Task Date and Date Entered Tenure Cont System.  
    1. If Faculty Rank code is 9FR3 (Faculty Rank Level 30) then outcome = Reapt ASC with Tenure
    2. If Faculty Rank code is 9FR2 (Faculty Rank Level 20) and the number of years from the Task Date to the Date Entered Tenure Cont System is less than 6 then outcome = Reapt AST 3 Years
    3. If Faculty Rank code is 9FR2 (Faculty Rank Level 20) and the number of years from the Task Date to the Date Entered Tenure Cont System is greater than 6 then outcome = Prom ASC with Tenure
    4. If Faculty Rank code is 9FR2 (Faculty Rank Level 20) and currently active and the number of years from the Task Date to the Date Entered Tenure Cont System is greater than 6 then outcome = Check LNP
    5. If employee is assigned job title Assistant Dean-Managers (job code 20001515) and the number of years from the Task Date to the Date Entered Tenure Cont System is less than 6 then outcome = Reapt AST 3 Years