Retirement Trend Analysis Report - HRP1093

Business Purpose

The Retirement Trend Analysis Report - HRP1093 allows you to see a summary of employee retirements by different age groups based on a university-wide, organizational and departmental view. Users can drill down to the details of an employee’s employment history for those who retired from January 2011 forward to see how long they were employed by MSU, what job position and department they retired from, and at what age they retired. You can use this report to analyze employee retirements from specific time periods, organizations/departments, or personnel subareas and employee subgroups.

This report does not include Temporary, On-Call, Graduate Assistants, Student employees or Benefit ineligible employees.  To be benefit eligible, an individual must be appointed for at least 9 months at 50% time or higher, please see Benefits Overview for more information.