MSU Human Resources >> Ua >> Hiring >> Support-staff >> 1585 Temporary & On-Call - Filling Vacancies


1585 Temporaries

"Temporary": Defined as working 50% or greater for up to 9 months (Revised 1/2017)



Sick Leave



Seniority for Bidding Purposes

1st 6 months of employment





Paid at probation rate of the classification.

Eligible to bid within seniority unit 4 weeks prior to the end of their temporary employment or after 6 months of continuous employment, whichever comes first.

After 6 months of employment

Yes - Eligible for vacation (accruals credited from date of hire)



Moves to job rate of the classification.


Ok to bid within seniority unit.

"Recycled" Temporaries("Recycled" defined as being terminated & rehired within 30 calendar days)

Paid off at termination. Immediately eligible for vacation on a proportional basis.



Returns at the job rate if rehired within 30 calendar days.

Seniority will be recognized for time actually worked after regular full time employees in the seniority unit and in the bargaining unit have had an opportunity to bid.

Vacation: Eligible for vacation time after completing six months of continuous service and will be given credit for this time during the sixth month. Any unused vacation hours will be paid off at termination. Recycled Temporaries are immediately eligible for vacation on a proportional basis. There is no carry over of previously accrued vacation.

Sick: Employees shall be granted sick leave, on a proportional basis, from their date of hire. Eligibility for accruing sick leave begins again with each new appointment. There is no carry over of previously accrued sick hours.

Holiday: Temporaries are granted holiday pay, on a proportional basis, from their date of hire.

Wages: Employees that are hired to work half-time or more must be placed in classified titles and be paid at the associated probationary rate for the first six months of employment. After six months, they must be moved to the job rate for that level.

Temporary employees that are terminated and rehired within 30 calendar days will be paid at the job rate for that level.

Bidding: Temporary employees will have no seniority for the purposes of bidding on a vacancy until they complete six months of continuous service. After that, they may use their seniority only to bid on vacancies in their seniority unit.

Temporary employees who are terminated and rehired within 30 calendar days will have their length of continuous service reflected in their seniority date for bidding purposes only.

Employees that have worked as a temporary and are hired into a regular posted vacancy will be terminated from their temporary position, will have vacation hours paid off and will begin eligibility for vacation, sick leave, vacation service months and FTE's from the date of regular employment.

1585 Temporary Employee

Transition to Regular

A temporary going into a regular position will serve a probationary period for their first 1040 hours worked and six (6) months of employment, regardless of their duration of employment as a temporary employee.

On-Call Service/Maintenance



Sick Leave



Seniority for bidding purposes

Eligible for:





Current student minimum or higher


"On-Call": Defined as averaging less than 20 hours per week or not to exceed more than 1,039 hours in the preceding 12 months.

When monitoring the hours worked for an on-call employee, total all hours worked in the previous 12 months. The total number of hours cannot exceed 1,039 within this time period. You cannot establish a fixed 12-month period to calculate total number of hours worked. The 12-month period is a rolling, non-fixed term of employment. Example: Unit is contacted in February 2003 about hours worked for an on-call employee. The unit must go back to February 2002 and total all hours worked in this 12-month period.

On-Call employees going into regular positions begin all eligibility for seniority and benefits from the date of the regular appointment.

On-Call employees who stop working at the end of Spring semester and then return in the Fall do not have to be terminated and rehired.

On-Call employees will be utilized for consecutive periods of forty (40) hours per week for no longer than three (3) months at any one time.
