MSU CCC Pledge Form
MSU CCC Pledge Form Instructions
- From My Personal Information, select MSU CCC Pledge Form.
- To find volunteers from your unit who are able to help you, click the ”Show Volunteer Info” link under Employee Data at the top of the form.
- Fill out the Pledge Form, keeping the following in mind:
- Begin by entering the total amount you would like to pledge for the year in the TOTAL GIFT AMOUNT field, or choose the 'No Thank You' option. The MSU Contribution Level is populated based on this information.
- Choose a payment method. Please note:
- Payroll deductions will not start until January of next year.
- For cash or check donations, make the appropriate selection and submit your pledge, then follow the instructions on the confirmation screen.
- A new site has been created for MSU to handle donations being paid by credit card, which has a minimum of $5 donation.
- Donations that have a payment option of “Bill me” will be processed by the Capital Area United Way (CAUW).
- If you would like to continue your pledge for future years, check the box next to 'Please renew my gift each year.' If this option is chosen, you will receive an email reminder of your pledge each year and no action is needed unless you want to change it. Your pledge will continue for the same amount and the same designations.
- If you choose to designate your donation, please see Options 1, 2, and 3. For Options 2 and 3, a minimum $50 is needed for each organization chosen.
- Use the drop down feature by clicking in the box next to the code to see a list of the organizations.
- Option 3 can be used if you don't see the organization listed you want to donate to.
- Please fill in all the requested information so your donation reaches your chosen organization.
- To get more information on the specific organizations, click on 'More Organization Information' or see the Giving Options web page.
- If you are not sure that you have designated your entire gift, you can calculate how much you have remaining by clicking on the 'Calculate' button next to the 'Remaining amount to Designate' box.
- Click the box at the bottom of the form to receive e-newsletters from Capital Area United Way with information about how your designation is helping out the local community.
- When you are finished, click the "Submit Form" button at the bottom of the center of the screen to process your pledge.
- A confirmation screen will appear. You will also receive a confirmation email, sent to the email address displayed for you.
- To change your form, click the Modify Form button on the left side of the screen. This will bring up the screen you have just submitted.
- Click View Form PDF to view the form in print format.
- Click Exit to return.