MSU Human Resources >> Ebshelp >> Academicposition >> FASAddPositionstoPosting

add positions to posting (faculty & Academic staff)

Up to 15 positions are allowed per posting.  The attributes associated with the original posting will remain the same for all added positions. Example: If posting form already has 10 positions the form will allow you to add 5 more positions.

Types of postings that you may add positions to:

  1. Paid Faculty/Academic Staff
  2. On-Call Faculty/Academic Staff 

Note: This process is not allowable for Support Staff or Executive Management postings.

Instructions to add Additional Position(s) to a Posting

  1. Select the "Academic Position Request" tile.
  2. From FAS CHR Approved Position Request in the Hiring Process field select "Add Positions to Posting". Enter the "Posting Number". Select "Continue".
  3. Review Posting attributes. Select "Number of Positions" and select "Add".  A maximum of 15 positions are allowed per posting.
  4. Review Position attributes.  Select "Check" and "Send" the form.  The form will flow through normal approval processes.

