Data Definitions (HRP1121)

The data columns used in the Job Postings report are defined on this page.

  1. Organization Code – Name:  The college or MAU code and name of the Job Posting.  
  2. Department Code – Name:  The department code and name of the Job Posting.
  3. Sub-Org Code – Name:  The sub-org code and name of the Job Posting.
  4. Job ID:  Indicates a generated PageUp job id assigned to the Job posting.  
  5. External Job ID:  Indicates the PageUp Job ID assigned to the Job posting.  This number appears in the job posting on the Careers@MSU website.    
  6. Job Code:  Indicates the MSU Job Code assigned to the position in the HR/Payroll system.  
  7. Job Title:   Indicates the Job Title assigned to the job based on the job code.  
  8. Employment Category Code – Name:  Indicates the employment category code and name assigned to the position in the HR/Payroll system.  
  9. Posting Status:  Indicates the status of the job posting in the PageUp system.  
  10. Open Date:  Indicates the date the job posting was opened/posted in the PageUp system.  This date appears in the posting on the Careers@MSU website.  
  11. Close Date:  Indicates the date the job posting will close in the PageUp system.  This date appears in the posting on the Careers@MSU website.
  12. Personnel Subarea:  Indicates the personnel subarea code the position is assigned in the HR/Payroll system.  
  13. The next 24 columns provide aggregated race/ethnicity and gender information for applicants.
  14. Hire Offer to Applicant:  Indicates the name of the applicant that has been offered this position and employment with the university.  
  15. Expected Start Date:  Applicant’s expected employment start date as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
  16. Personnel Number:  An HR/Payroll system generated number linking a person to an assignment.  A person with concurrent employment will have multiple PERNRs but only one PERSID.
  17. Position Number:  The number assigned to the job posting position in the HR/Payroll system.  
  18. Annual Salary:  The annual salary amount offered to the applicant/new employee.  
  19. Employment Percent:  The employment percent the applicant/new employee is working.  
  20. Resource Type:  Resource type indicates further breakdown of the employee’s position assignment.  The following resource types will be included in the report: 
    1. Exception
    2. Rec/Ret Spouse/Partner
    3. Rec/Ret Non Spouse/Part
    4. Emergency
    5. Internal Fill
    6. Exec/Sr Management
    7. Less Than 3 Days