Data Definitions (HRP072)

The data columns used in the Emergency Contact Listings Report are defined on this page.

    1. EMP_PERS_ID:  An HR/Payroll system generated number linking a person to all their assignment(s).  
    2. PROFSNL_NM:  The employee’s professional name as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.    
    3. PROFSNL_FST_NM:  The first name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    4. PROFSNL_LST_NM:  The last name of the employee as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.

Emergency Contact Info:

    1. CNTCT_FST_NM:   The employee’s emergency contact’s first name as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
    2. CNTCT_LST_NM:   The employee’s emergency contact’s last name as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.
    3. ADR_LINE_1:  The employee’s emergency contact’s address line 1 as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    4. ADR_LINE_2:   The employee’s emergency contact’s address line 2 as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    5. CITY:  The employee’s emergency contact’s city as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    6. STATE_CD:  The employee’s emergency contact’s state as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    7. POST_CD:  The employee’s emergency contact’s zip code as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    8. CTRY_CD:  The employee’s emergency contact’s country code as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.  
    9. TEL_NBR1:  The employee’s emergency contact’s phone number as indicated in the HR/Payroll system.

Employee Contact Info:

    1. POS_NBR:   The position number assigned to the employee’s primary position.
    2. ROOM_NBR:   The room number of the employee’s work location (if applicable).  
    3. LOC_ID:  The HR/Payroll work location ID assigned to the position held by the employee.  
    4. TEL_NBR:  The telephone number of the employee’s work location (if applicable).  
    5. FAX_NBR:  The fax number of the employee’s work location (if applicable).