MSU Human Resources >> News feeds >> 2017 IRS Retirement Plan Contribution Limits

2017 IRS Retirement Plan Contribution Limits

The IRS recently announced the retirement plan limits for 2017. Please be aware that the limits will be the same as 2016.

  • The annual contribution amount is $18,000 for 403(b) and 457(b) plans.
  • Age 50 catch-up contribution amount is $6,000 for 403(b) and 457(b) plans.

If you would like to contribute as much as you can, we provide a tool to assist you in maximizing your contributions to the annual IRS limit. There is a display in EBS that shows the remaining amount of retirement contributions you have available before reaching one of the limits, and the equivalent percentage of your pay to help you spread that out for the year. (If you are an Academic Year faculty member or a Voluntary 403(b) Base participant age 50 and over, contact Human Resources for further assistance in calculating your contribution percentage.)

To learn more about the different types of retirement accounts offered and the retirement vendors and investments available, please review the online MSU Retirement Plans Enrollment Guide .

Our retirement plan web pages provide the following additional information online:

For assistance or questions, please contact Human Resources via email at or by calling 517-353-4434.

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