Support Staff Policies & Procedures

Support Staff Policy & Procedure for Travel Accident Insurance Plan



Applies to: All active full-time, part-time employees, members of the Board of Trustees, adjunct and clinical appointees, and graduate and undergraduate students or anyone else traveling on an authorized business trip for the University (VARIES: Employees on a paid or unpaid leave of absence* and individuals who travel to the University for job interviews, even though reimbursed by the University, are excluded from coverage).

*Authorized University business travel with prior approval during a sabbatical or leave of absence, other than sick leave or terminal leave, is covered.

The University provides a Travel Accident Insurance Plan for eligible employees.

Summary of benefits:

When covered injuries result in any of the following specific losses within 180 days from the date of the accident, while traveling on official University or an approved activity, the amount of insurance in force would be paid as follows:
In the event of accidental death $50,000
For the loss of any two members** $50,000
For the loss of any one member** $25,000
** Member means hand, foot or sight of one eye. Loss of hand or foot means complete severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint. Loss of sight means the total and irrecoverable loss of entire sight.

A maximum of $50,000 will be payable for all such losses resulting from any one accident.

Premium contribution: The University pays the entire cost of the benefit.

Application for enrollment:

Effective date of benefit: Coverage will be effective upon employment or change to an eligible status. 

Termination date of benefit: Coverage will terminate on the employee's last day of active employment or transfer to an ineligible status.

Conversion of coverage: No conversion possible.


Enrollment in benefit program: 
Employee:No action required; enrollment is automatic. 
Designation of a beneficiary should be made by the employee. If no beneficiary is designated, the benefit will be paid as outlined above and in the brochure. 

Changes in coverage or personal information: 
Employee: No action required except to change beneficiary.

Filing a claim: 
Department: Notify MSU Human Resources immediately upon employee's accidental death, dismemberment or loss of sight that occurred while traveling on University business. Refer any questions concerning benefits of deceased employee to MSU Human Resources. 

MSU Human Resources:

Refer questions to: MSU Human Resources (telephone 517-353-4434, e-mail)

Program of benefits booklet for Employees

Program of benefits booklet for all others


1/1/19 - Updated link for Beneficiary Designation

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